I have heard this from some people and false prophets, but this idea of Jesus Christ being "primordial sacrament" is completely foreign to The Bible.
But the Bible says that he was, or is; "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Revelation 13.8)
If you mean the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, then it was on the night Jesus was betrayed as He and the disciples celebrated the Passover feast.
what does that mean
The Primordial Mound is believed to be the mound of earth which life sprang from on earth - by the ancient egyptians. Primordial may mean that it was in existence before the birth of time e.g before days were ordered.
Sacraments does not refer to the Church and Jesus; it refers to things like baptism and the Lord's Supper. Answer 10/April/09 If one understands a sacrament as being something which manifests the presence of God in a real way, then we can see how some theologians do, indeed, refer to both Christ and the Church as sacrament. The theologian, Edward Schillebeck, wrote a book entitled "Christ, the Sacrament of Encounter with God" in which the premise is that Christ, being God enfleshed, is the ultimate presence of the Divine among us. In this sense, Christ is truly THE Sacrament. In that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, it too manifests Him to the world, and may be referred to as a sacrament. Referring to Christ and the Church as sacraments does not, of course, diminish the importance, and place, of the seven sacraments formally accepted by the Church in the 16th century. It is simply a broader - and, in to my thinking - a more powerful and dynamic concept of sacrament.
It means from the beginning or commencing from the start
The Primordial Mound is believed to be the mound of earth which life sprang from on earth - by the ancient egyptians. Primordial may mean that it was in existence before the birth of time e.g before days were ordered.
Sacramento means "sacrament" or "holy rite" in English. It can also refer to the sacrament of the Eucharist in some religious contexts.
Jesus did not explicitly establish a specific "holy order" in the traditional sense. However, he did establish the foundation of the Christian faith and tasked his disciples with spreading his teachings. The concept of a hierarchical church structure developed later in Christian history.
"Sacramento" means sacrament in Spanish.
Eucharistic is an adjective meaning of or relating to the sacrament of the Eucharist, a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.
Theos=God...θεός Christos=Christ ...Χριστός
powerful wild animal that follows its instincts to survive. "Alpha male"