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INCLUSION BY ANNUNAKI PSYCHIC SPIRIT FAIRIE. To invoke is the opposite of to banish. To invoke you will bring forth. When you invoke it means that you are demanding, inviting, and or calling a spirit, entity, demon, angel, deity, or anything in the unseen realms, as well as the seen realms to join you. The joining can be a connection to anything you specify including your own body (which is not recommended). Although, you may invoke any deity to come into your body. The entity invoked may be called upon to do many other things. It does not have to be connected to your body, or any other body to be invoked. The entity can be invoked to join you in the space you occupy (ie dwelling/room), or to accomplish a task of your choosing. Before you invoke it, make sure you know how to banish it! In reply to the 1st contributor. Pagan religions claimed they did not believe in invoking. This is why witches, and anyone that claimed to have a spirit attachment were killed. However, if they truly did not believe in it, why take such harsh measures? Why not just leave the witches alone if it was hogwash? Anyway, almost everyone knows, albeit may not believe that invoking and/or banishing spirits is real.


In the pagan religions invoking means to call upon a deity to come into your body. This is done by drawing a protective circle around the coven as the high priestess or priest calls upon the God or Goddess they want to join them.

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Invoked means to call upon or bring into action.

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