It purify the space where we sit
Holy Water is fresh water that has received a special blessing but all fresh water is not necessarily Holy Water.
The use of holy water is incidental to Catholic worship. In periods of severe water shortage, the use of holy water can be suspended.
Holy water is not a symbol of the holy trinity. The holy trinity has to do with the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Holy water is used to show the "washing away" of sin.
Holy water is also called as 'Baptismal water'.
Yes you do get dipped in holy water
Do you mean holy water? if so...holy water is used in baptism to represent the holy spirit. This is used because when Christians believe in Jesus, the holy spirit enters them.
Abhishekha or "Sprinkling (bath) ablution" i.e., bathing the deity with the water - the holy water of Hinduism.
Vampires fear holy water because according to the legends, holy water burns their skins causing them to be in great agony.
Roman Catholic AnswerA number of things hold Holy Water in a Church. A large dispenser usually has a quantity of Holy Water for the Faithful to fill their bottles to take home, this is called a Holy Water Urn. A small bucket used by the priest to carry Holy Water around the Church while sprinkling the congregation is called Holy Water Bucket, and the small holders at the door, that you can dip your fingers in are called Holy Water Fonts, the Baptismal Font holds Holy Water used in Baptism.
Vampires are satans henchmen. Holy water is gods blessed water. holy water fights back the evil and burns and eventually kills vampires. I have known holy water to effect a clean spot on a vampire cheek after it was babbled and wiped.
Put holy water on it