Fard kifaya is a type of Fard that if some members of the Muslim community perform whatever it is that is fard kifaya, the rest of the people are exempted from doing it and don't have to do it again.
fard-e-ayn = personally obligatory e.g. knowledge of 5 daily prayers (salaah) and ablution (wudhu) etc.. fard-e-kifaya = obligatory for one person in the local community to fulfil such and such an act e.g. ramadhan i'tikaf is sunnat-e-kifaya - therefore if no one sits in i'tikaf then everybody in the local community shall be sinful however, if one person sits then nobody shall be sinful.
it means enough in arabic.
Fard Ain is a compulsory duty on all Muslims .
"Fard" is an Arabic term that refers to the obligatory duties or acts of worship that Muslims must perform as part of their faith, such as the five daily prayers or fasting during Ramadan. It is an important concept in Islamic jurisprudence.
No. tarawih is not fard. It is Nafal which means that it is purely optional.
Yahya Alavi Fard was born in 1973.
Wallace Fard Muhammad was born on 1893-02-26.
There is no difference between Fard and Wajib they are synonymous words
Mohammad-Hassan Aboutorabi Fard was born in 1951.
Wallace Fard Muhammad did pass away. Wallace Fard Muhammad was found dead in his home. He created the black-nationalist movement and was a preacher.
Fard al-Dn Ar has written: 'Pand-nmah'