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God if Love. God is a spirit. God is omni present. God is omniscience. God is Omni-potent.

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Q: What does bible reveal about god?
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What does the Bible and holy writing reveal about god?

The bible reveals that God is Love--but don't forget that God didn't write the bible. Men wrote the bible--out of their experience with God--however short their experience or their understanding.

Did The Bible reveal God or God reveal The Bible?

Neither. God was already in existence. The bible are stories written by individuals who wrote about their or someone else's experience with God and Jesus Christ. the bible simply gives us God's instructions on how to live (found in the old testament), and then gives us hope for something better to come (Jesus, found in the new testament).

What are 3 forms of god's revelation?

God can reveal things through nature and signs in the sky. He can also reveal things through preachers and reading of the bible.

Could prophets predict the future in the Bible?

No God would reveal things to them

How can God's revelation of Himself through His Word be harmonized with scientific discoveries?

There are several available explanations, depending on your beliefs: # The Bible was only written by men, who did not fully understand the word of God. The Bible should not be read literally. # God really did reveal himself through the Bible, but science is wrong. This is the position of some creationists. # God really did reveal himself through the Bible, but we do not understand the Bible, or the original text of the Bible has changed so much that it no longer says what it should say. # God is not infallible, and when he tried to reveal himself, there were some mistakes made. # There is no God. The Bible was only written by men, who my well have been pious believers but were not inspired.

How did God reveal himself in the kingdom period as narrated in the bible?

first of all we must remember that God never did reveal himself personally in the bible. As it says no an has seen God at any time. But the closest a person ever so God was the prophet Moses, who could only see Gods back.

Why did God only reveal the true secrets to Judas and not the others?

What are scripture are you basing this on but it sure isn't in the Bible.

Did Moses describe exactly what he saw after God had revealed himself to him?

No as you see the bible says god did not reveal himself to Moses. But he did see gods back.

What does The Bible reveal?

The bible reveals God,and especially his Son--Jesus. Jn:5:39: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

What does miracles means in the Bible?

Events that unmistakably involve an immediate and powerful action of God designed to reveal His character or purposes.

How does the Bible reflect God's revelation to Jesus?

A:Answer 1 Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so it was not necessary for God to reveal to Jesus, as he was himself divine. According to this view, the Bible reflects the divine words and work of Jesus himself.Answer 2 The Bible reflects real God word revelations whether Jesus or God the Creator.

How many people does the Bible reveal to have been sanctified by God before their births for a special purpose?

The Bible reveals that only four people were sanctified by God before their births for a special purpose, including Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul.