goose is white meat
A wild goose can symbolize freedom, independence, and intuition. It represents the idea of following one's own path and trusting one's instincts. In some cultures, it is also associated with migration and the changing seasons.
There are a number of geese species that are found in Portugal. These include the bean goose, the pink-footed goose, the white-fronted goose, the greylag goose, the snow goose, as well as the Brent goose.
A barnacle goose is a species of black and white goose from the northern hemisphere, Latin name Branta leucopsis.
because it is a animal of the gods
All dark.
A Canada goose has a gray body, a white belly, and a black neck and face. It has a white stripe on both sides of its face.
Red roses symbolize love, while white roses symbolize purity.
It symbolises that you are a silly goose if you think about the symbolisim of floating onions!!! ... hope that answered your question :) (he he)
It is the house of the president and doesn't really symbolize freedom.
I am pretty sure its white