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Catholic AnswerRavens symbolize the saints, Benedict, Meinrad, and from the Old Testament, the prophet Elijah.

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Raven. An emblem of several saints who profited by the miraculous assistance of this rapacious bird. St. Benedict (480-546), while being slandered by Florentius, had his life saved when a raven removed the poisoned loaf prepared for his meal by his enemies. St. Meinrad (d. 861), as a solitary, was murdered by two men who were after a treasure falsely reported to be hidden in the monk's cave. They were brought to justice by the croaking of two ravens who followed them from the scene of their crime. Elijah the prophet is often represented by ravens who at God's command brought food to him.

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Q: What does a raven symbolize to a Catholic?
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.Catholic AnswerThe Bread, the Body, does not symbolize anything, It IS the actual Body of Our Blessed Lord; as indeed, the wine, the Blood, IS the actual Blood of Our Blessed Lord. They do not symbolize anything, they are Jesus Christ in the Flesh.

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It seems like a portion of text is missing or not clear. "Sea raven" may refer to a mythical creature or a seabird. "Beating the sea raven by grabs" might symbolize overcoming a challenge through determination or cunning. Can you provide more context to better understand the phrase?

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