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It's the source of cold winds and the Devil's haunt.

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Q: What does a north facing church mean?
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That would be the horse's rear end (if the horse if facing north, then obviously his rear end is facing south)!

South end of a north facing horse.... what does this mean?

south end of a north facing horse, means basically the horses butt.

What is the usage of north star or polaris?

The usage of the north star, or Polaris, is to find which way you are facing. If you are facing in the direction of it, you are facing north. If you are facing the opposite direction of the north star, you are facing south. If you are facing left of the north star, you are facing east. If you are facing right of the north star, you are facing west.

When you are facing Polaris you are?

You are facing North.

Are people buried facing the church?

No. Facing the sky..

How many lamps were lit in the North Church to warn Paul Revere and what did they mean?

Paul Revere lit two lamps in the North Church to warn the citizens that the British were coming.

When facing north what is on your left side?

When facing north, the west side is on your left.

If you are facing north what direction is behind you?

If you are facing north, the direction behind you would be south.

What season is it when North America is not facing the sun?

winter!! because north america is not facing the sun. if it was facing the sun it will be summer or spring by now in north america! k? good : )

What hemisphere is to the right of the Prime Meridian?

That depends on what you mean by "to the right of." If you are facing north, or if you are looking at a map that has north at the top, then the eastern hemisphere is to the right of the Prime Meridian.

When was Church of North India created?

Church of North India was created in 1970.

When was North Christian Church created?

North Christian Church was created in 1964.