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The Bible uses natural concepts for what they representspiritually. Creation, the Exodus and wars. Horses go to war as teachers do with their Words, spiritually.

In the Kingdom age, the Lord says He will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them and abolish the proud horses.

In Bible symbolism, a horse is a priest/pastor/teacher, a chariot is a doctrine or dogma in which many ride. The horses empower and drive the chariot as teachers empower and drive the dogma.

"And I will cut off the HORSE from Jerusalem, and He shall speak peace to the gentiles" (Zech ix.10).

This is a prophecy about Jesus. Did Jesus abolish military power? Did Jesus cut of the literal horses from Jerusalem? Or was it not the teachings of the Pharisees?

In the Word "horses" signify teachers, "Jehovah will make Judah a Godly HORSE"; "Dan shall be a serpent by the way, that biteth the HORSES HEELS so that his rider shall fall backwards, I have waited for thy salvation O God" (Gen xlix 17, 18). To be bitten by serpents is to be deceived by the lowest form of reasoning. "the EGYPTIANS are men and not God, their HORSES are FLESH and not spirit", these teachers are natural man and do not have the Spirit.

As the Bible decodes its meaning. Horses = teachers, Chariots = their doctrines. Please read my long post above. As you say, according to your reply, the battle is spiritual. The sword is coming from Christs MOUTH.

(Zech ix.10) "the EGYPTIANS are men and not God, their HORSES are FLESH and not spirit", these teachers are natural man and do not have the Spirit.

Every teacher will be made spiritually blind:
"In that day I will smite EVERY HORSE with astonishment" (Zech xii, 4); "and will smite every HORSE OF THE PEOPLE with blindness"

Woe to them who trust in Priests and pastors:

"Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help, and stay ON HORSES, but they look not to the holy One of Israel; Now the Egyptians are men and not God, their HORSES are (flesh) and not (spirit)". Egypt signifies natural man who judges and reasoning according to the flesh; and symbolic Egypt signifies the natural man, symbolic Israel the spiritual man.

Woe to those who turn to teachers/men/beasts for the truth of the Word and not God in prayer:
"Ashur shall not save us; we will not ride upon HORSES" (Hos xiv. 3); "some trust in chariots, and some in HORSES, but we will remember the name of the Lord"; "a HORSE is a vain thig for safety" (ps xx 7; xxxiii.17); "the riders on HORSES shall be confounded" (Zech x3, 4, 5); "Woe to the city it is full of lies - the prancing of HORSES" - and as spiritual Israel are to be a nation of priests, so it is said "in that day their shall be upon the BELLS OF THE HORSES holiness unto Jehovah" (xiv. 20). "Thou shalt not in any way set a king over Israel whom the Lord thy God shall not chose: but he shall not multiply HORSES to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt to the end that he should multiply HORSES".

The same is said when it talks of the horses of Babylon or the teachers represented by that Church (Rev 17); "I will bring against Tyrus the King of Babylon, with HORSES and with chariots, and with HORSEMEN. By reason of the abundance of his HORSES their dust shall cover thee". Counter reformation Jesuit battle horses.

Organised religion with its dogma and priestcraft is in big trouble; and as teachers [horseman] empower chariots [their doctrines] so it is said, "I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will overthrow the chariots AND THOSE WHO RIDE IN THEM"; "and the pride of her power shall come down"

As horse or horseman signifies a teacher, and a chariot a doctrine or ideology in which many ride. "THE CHARIOT OF ISRAEL and the HORSEMAN thereof"; "Jehovah will make Judah a Godly HORSE".

All the religious rituals of the priestcraft teach nothing of the spiritual meanings relating to the internals of man, "a HORSE is a vain thing for safety" (ps xx 7; xxxiii.17) "I will make Ephraim to ride" (Hos x.11). Ephraim signifies the understanding of the Word, because Elisha and Elijah represented the Lord as the Word, therefore they were called the chariot of Israel and his horseman, Elisha said to Elijah "my father, my father, THE CHARIOT OF ISRAEL and the HORSEMAN thereof" (2 Kings xiii, 14).

In the opposite sense, the horses of Egypt and Babylon destroy all truth and those who trust in them "the EGYPTIANS are men and not God, their HORSES are FLESH and not spirit". The horses of Egypt are proud and strong beasts, they signify the proud and strongmen, the great men in the eyes of the world; in this context "a HORSE is a futile thing for safety". It is said here that their horses are flesh and not spirit because their teachers are beasts as to natural affections/perception/understanding and not spiritual affections. "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help, and stay ON HORSES, but they look not to the holy One of Israel; Now the Egyptians are men and not God, their HORSES are (flesh) and not (spirit)". Egypt signifies natural man who judges and reasoning according to the flesh; and symbolic Egypt signifies the natural man, symbolic Israel the spiritual man.

Trusting in horses, or teachers is not a good thing to do, as Satan deceives us through symbolic women (Eve/the Churches/organised religion), hence Revelation 14:4 the spiritual Israelites are those who are "not defiled of women" - meaning not defiled of the unspiritual teachings of the symbolic women = the churches - but follow the Lord directly from the Word, being defiled by symbolic women [religion] has a similar symbollic meaning as trusting in horses. "Ashur shall not save us; we will not ride upon HORSES" (Hos xiv. 3); "some trust in chariots, and some in HORSES, but we will remember the name of the Lord"; "a HORSE is a vain thig for safety" (ps xx 7; xxxiii.17); "the riders on HORSES shall be confounded" (Zech x3, 4, 5); "Woe to the city it is full of lies - the prancing of HORSES" - and as spiritual Israel are to be a nation of priests, so it is said "in that day their shall be upon the BELLS OF THE HORSES holiness unto Jehovah" (xiv. 20).

The same is said in the opposite sense when it talks of the horses of Babylon or the teachers represented by that Church (Rev 17); "I will bring against Tyrus the King of Babylon, with HORSES and with chariots, and with HORSEMEN. By reason of the abundance of his HORSES their dust shall cover thee".

Tyre signifies the Church as to knowledge's and truth, here such as are falsified in her, which are the horses of Babylon. The King of Babylon is a type of papacy (they all worshipped his image in Daniel 2), and the nations were (in) his image, but Daniel refused to worship his image, or to eat the kings food (take the mark) - to live like they lived, but instead took only pulse and water and was granted much spiritual perception because of it (Daniel 1:8) - as those who overcome are given hidden manna (spiritual insight). Daniel is a type of spiritually elect, as of course is Jesus who denied Himself in that context in the wilderness.

The horses in Rev 9 are teachers being ridden/influenced by demons, not ministering angels.

We are not supposed to trust in horses/priests. Spiritual Israel are all supposed to be priests. Natural man trusts in priests and popes but this is not what spiritual Israel was ever told to do; "Thou shalt not in any way set a king over Israel whom Jehovah thy God shall not chose: but he shall not multiply HORSES to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt to the end that he should multiply HORSES".

This is said because the Israelites would chose a king after their own image, and he would be their example, while in the prophetic sense, the way the papacy has acted throughout the Church age has been held up as the prophetic anti-example (beast as microcosm of the character and affections of modern man). Jesus is the King of the spiritual Israelites, and His image we are to aspire to (manifest) - not the image of the beast (carnally imbued man) as to his affections (proud/materialistic).

Organised religion, with its heirachel and system and with its priests and popes is roundly condemned in the Word. We are to search the Scriptures, come out of Babylon and Egypt and trust in the Lord for wisdom through prayer in conjunction with the Word. "some trust in chariots, and some in HORSES, but we will remember the name of the Lord"; "a HORSE is a vain thing for safety" (ps xx 7; xxxiii.17).

Everything that imbues us after the flesh/carnally/materialisticaly (i.e religious systems, economic systems, doctrines and teachings of men), symbolically called the Chariots of Egypt and Babylon (natural man). Will be abolished [lake of fire] that signifies annihilation in the new age to come. "I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will overthrow the CHARIOTS and those who ride in them" (Hag. ii. 22).

Organised religion with its dogma and priestcraft is in big trouble; and as teachers [horseman] empower chariots [their doctrines] so it is said, "I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will overthrow the chariots AND THOSE WHO RIDE IN THEM";"and the pride of her power shall come down"; "For the Day of the Lord shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon everyone that is lifted up." The proud and carnal horses of spiritual Egypt (natural man), and their carnal false doctrines (chariots) in which many ride;"and the beast was taken and the false prophet ...they were both cast alive into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone"; "and the CHARIOTS I will utterly abolish", (Futurist Protestantism/Papal Catholicism).
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14y ago

Horses are most commonly associated with freedom and the wind. And if you have ever seen a horse running across a field, just for the fun of running you can understand why. Every beast on earth has it's own beauty, but the horse got much more that his share.

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14y ago

Horses are active and energetic. They have a lot of sex-appeal and are fashion gurus. They love to be in crowds so will often be seen at concert, theaters, meetings, and parties. The horse is very quick-witted, but is honestly more cunning than intelligent - and he knows that. Horses are usually low in confidence because of that.

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10y ago

There are several symbolic meanings associated with the horse. Some of these meanings include freedom, elegance, victory, and endurance.

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In the Bible a black horse symbolizes famine

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