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Infant baptism symbolizes exactly the same as what adult baptism symbolizes: new life, forgiveness of sins and the acceptance of Christ as your Lord and savior. Parents are instructed to help their children to love, honor and obey God. Infant baptism shows that the parents are prepared to bring their child up in God's way and to guide him/her as a child of Christ until he/she is able to make his/her own decision to follow Christ.

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13y ago

In the baptist church it is a dedication in which the family and congregation recognizes that the child is their responsibility to nurture and bring up in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. To some it reminds them that the child is "safe" until they reach the age of "accountability." It does not imply full membership in the church until a profession of faith by the individual is done.

In other protestant faiths infant baptism is more or less similar to the baptist denomination. In Lutheran and the Anglican churches the belief is closer to that of the catholic churches (Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox), i.e. children typically receive communion and are catechized later and are full members as far as that is practical.

In the Catholic faith (Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic) infant baptism is performed as the entry into membership in the Church with a confession of faith on behalf of the child by the godparents. In same cases full sacramental participation does not begin until later.

In Orthodoxy and in some other churches baptism begins the sacramental life and full membership of the child without reservation as far as is practical, where typically the first communion will follow in the same service. The child is held to be as accountable as he or she is able at a given age and nurtured in the faith and the communion of the Holy Trinity by godparents, parents, the clergy and the church community, and at about the age of 12 or 13 the child will normally attend catechism classes.

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15y ago

Christianity: Baptism is a symbolof purifying you of all your sins perminently and officially making you in the path of God.

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Q: What does a baptism signify?
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What does baptism signify?

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What is the purpose of the font in a Christian church?

A font holds the water which is used in baptisms. It comes from the word 'fount' meaning 'source" or "spring". For Christians, baptism initiates a person into the community of believers in Christ; it means a new life. Traditionally, the font has been placed near the door of a church building for 2 reasons: (a) to signify that a person is entering the Church at baptism (b) for Christians to touch the water upon coming in for worship - it reminds them of their baptism. The practice mentioned in (b) has fallen away in Protestant churches.

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