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Generally Buddhists wish to attain enlightenment. Death after enlightenment is either permanent or not. They might then go onto Nirvana, a selfless (egoless) condition with no goals, or reject Nirvana and return to the cycle of death and rebirth to help others fin d enlightenment,

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A Buddhist would wish to have lived a life without regret. A person who has lived a good life has nothing to fear, not even death.

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Q: What does a Buddhist want to reach when he dies?
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Buddhist Awakening is another name for Enlightenment. This is a state of complete peace and realisation. All Buddhists seek to reach this as it will enable them to reach Nirvana (the Buddhist equivalent of heaven). This would end the constant cycle of reincarnation.

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There are certain rules that a Buddhist monk is required to meet. These help them to reach the spirituality that they are looking for.

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He will be freed from the delusion (or conceit) of a separate self.

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If she want to, she may. If she does not want want to, it does not matter.

When is it polite to give a gift to a Buddhist?

Whenever you want.

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