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Scientology teaches you how to discover for yourself. It offers paths to knowledge and understanding that, at first, dramatically improve our abilities to handle everyday life and relationships. Later, Scientology offers a chance you expand your awareness of yourself and the universe in ways never really known to man before - certainly not in the western world.

Scientology offers the notion that people already know the answers to the world, and gives us a path to uncover and recover that knowledge for ourselves

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The Scientology religion provides answers to many questions about life and death. It encompasses an exact, precisely mapped-out path. In developing Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard discovered a technology to free the human spirit and thereby allow Man to really know himself. He thoroughly tested all procedures and recorded those that proved most workable in bringing about uniformly predictable results. These comprise standard Scientology technology.

Through application of Scientology principles and technology in an auditing session, a person is able to remove barriers and unwanted conditions and so become more himself. As a person progresses, he reaches out to help others in the ways he has been helped.

That which is real to the person is all one is asked to accept of Scientology. No beliefs are forced upon him. By trainingand processing, he finds out for himself the answers he is searching for in life.

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