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Sarai and Sarah are both slightly different ways of writing 'Princess' in Hebrew.

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Q: What does Sarah mean in different religions?
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I'm not sure what you mean but if your saying why are there so many religions on Albert square well that's an impossible question to answer its because different people have different views on religion that's just the way it is and there's not many different religions in Eastenders is there i mean there's Muslim and christian but I'm not sure if there's any others ??? hmmm....

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What detail about religion?

There are many different details about the different religions. There are many different customs and practices that are associated with the different religions of the world.

Why is there different types of religions?

I don't know what you mean by "types," but there are different religions because God, the Creator and Sustainer of all that is, has sent Messengers/Saviors/Manifestations to the human race from the very beginning. Each Messenger has added to the knowledge given by the one before. Each time humans have made separate religions of this continuous revelation. The religions are different because of the different levels of human understanding and different cultures. For a more complete explanation of this eternal process see the scriptures of the Baha'i Faith.

Sarah what does itmean?

Sarah means a mean person!

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Pennsylvania allowed different religions where as Massachusetts did not.

What are some different religions?

The world is full of many different religions. Some of those religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Paganism, and Judaism.