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Have Faith in him he is not real

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Q: What does Nonschetto tell Tskinnak about believing in Christian God?
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When the two of you are together, tell him, "I need to tell you something very important. I am not a Christian." If he is a Christian, he will probably break up with you because you are not a Christian; so be prepared for that.

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Yes it does just tell the bot or girl ur abstinent and if they dont understand tell them goodbye

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Is Vannesa Hudgens a Christian?

That is a personal question, but I would say not. No one can tell you that but her cause that is her believe and she might be, but she might not. You will never know the truth unless you hear it from her, no one else. She might not be Christian...she looks like Mexican to me she has a different belief of things in the world so let's face the facts she might be or maybe not..or might not be, she has her own way of believing in life ...she might have a different culture that is not your the exact answer is No we are not website informs that about her so her information about her about this matter is closed she is NOT a Christian !! Everybody is different they have interests...they have different cultures,religion,language,and she is NOT a christian !!So it is defiantly impossible to tell for sure..when she is ready she will reveal her RELIGION in PUBLIC but for now :"NO"-the answer is "NO"!!

I think something spiritual is stalking me HELP?

The only person who can stop that from happening is God. You can become a Christian if you are not already one, by believing in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross for your sins, and asking Him into your heart. Then you can tell the thing that is stalking you to leave in the name of Jesus. It won't work if you are not sincere though in wanting to follow Christ.

What is the song that has this line in it I'll tell the world that I am a Christian?

I'll tell the world that I am a Christian (Baynard L. Fox) I'll tell the world, that I'm a christian, I'm not ashamed, His name to bear; I'll tell the world, that I'm a christian, I'll take Him with me anywhere. I'll tell the world, how Jesus saved me, and how He gave me a life brand new; And I know that if you trust Him, that all He gave me, He'll give to you. I'll tell the world, that He's my Saviour, No other one, could love me so; My life, my all is His forever, and where He leads me I will go. For when He comes, and life is over, For those who love Him there's more to be; Eyes have never seen the wonders, That He's preparing, for you and me Oh, tell the world, that you're a Christian, Be not ashamed, His name to bear; Oh tell the world, that you're a Christian, And take Him with you anywhere.