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First go and read verse 15 to 20 to get the full context here. Peter questions and says he is okay with forgiving someone 7 times but Jesus comes back saying 70x7 times. This does not mean we should keep track of how many times we forgive someone. That would be quite a time consuming task and miss the point here which is that we we should not keep count at all. We are to always be willing to forgive our brothers and sisters.

No lawsuits or informing (gossiping to) those outside of the Church. Tell the offender the truth on how he/she has done wrong. If they do not change, tell the leader of the Church and let them decide his/her fate. Still doesn't change, have no more to do with that person. If they eventually repentfully change, accept him/her back with open arms. God's Law is Love and His doesn't want to have anyone lost!! :)

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Q: What does Matthew ch 18 Verse 21 and 22 mean?
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