Read the book....
Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark, was a disciple of Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus.
Because Mark's gospel is the word of God which is truth and his gospel states: Mark 1.1. The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;
It marks the Epiphany, the day the 3 Kings are meant to have arrived to visit Jesus, and it marks the end of Christmas.
A Gentile was the first to acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God
When Jesus left the world and left Peter to lead the church. It says it somewhere in a gospel but I cant remember right now.
"He is risen" are indeed significant words in Mark's Gospel as they proclaim the central message of the Christian faith, highlighting Jesus' resurrection. This event validates Jesus' identity as the Son of God and is foundational to the Christian belief in salvation.
Luke's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles were written by the same author, long assumed to be the apostle Luke. The Gospel was written first, with Acts apparently written after an interval, during which some of Luke's assumptions may have changed.Luke's Gospel ends when the risen Jesus last spoke to the disciples and was then taken bodily up into heaven on the evening of the day of his resurrection.Acts begins when the risen Jesus, who had remained on earth for forty days, seen by many, last spoke to the disciples and was then taken bodily up into heaven.
in his head?
Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan. (Which today marks the border between Israel and (Trans)Jordan)