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Jesus, the man of peace, observed that "those who take the sword will perish by the sword." (Mattew 26:52) He declared to Pilate that, had his Kingdom been of this world, his attendants would have fought to prevent his being delivered up to the Jews. (Joh 18:36) Jesus did not share in politics or wars of any nation, as did early Christian of first Century, two also did not share in the politics or the wars of any nation. Jesus said his followers are "no part of the world." (John 15:19) meaning politics and war. "Because you are no part of the world, . . . the world hates you." (John 15:19) many have been imprisoned because of being God's servants. The two commandmentd Jesus highlighted as the greatest are Love God, and love your neighbour as, (Matthew 22:36-40) . Jesus was the one who spoke the golden rule. Jesus commanments his disciples to love one another said his disciples would marked with love. - John 13:34, 35 -Isaiah 2:3, 4; 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4.

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Turn the other cheek. He told Peter to put away his sword in the garden.

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Jesus taught his followers about love and peace and wanted to have all peace in the world.

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Q: What does Jesus teach about violence?
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