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Shirk means polytheism in Islam. Islam considers polytheism illogical and unacceptable when referring to deity for Muslims believe oneness of the Creator is more logical than many gods and several wills and authorities.

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Q: What does Islam teach about shirk?
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You would be committing the Islam shirk.

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In Arabic:Adding or companyingIn Islam:(Originally) Worshiping (second or more) besides god.(Eventually) any one does not worship god only; he is basically performing Shirk (not being Muslims)

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In Arabic:Adding or companyingIn Islam:(Originally) Worshiping (second or more) besides god.(Eventually) any one does not worship god only; he is basically performing Shirk (not being Muslims)

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2 things Shirk [to include someone in the oneness of Allah] and Kuffar [disbelief]

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Sunni Islam represent 80% of Muslims, Shia Islam represent 15% of Muslims and Sufi Islam represent 1% of Muslims. They are the three principals. Many Muslims do not consider Sufi Muslims as Muslims.

What does Islam teach about Adam?

NO. Episode 1 - Remembering Allah. And in Islam Allah is God so the teach about God.

Why was shirk the worst sin in Islam?

Shirk is the worst sin in Islam because that means that the person is no longer a Muslim they no longer believe in what Muslims believe. More specifically shirk is to worship anything other than The God. That is to place God The One and Only, The Master and Creator, beside something else and disrespecting His Unique Sovereignty. Those who engage in shirk (joining a partner) regard God not as Supreme Entity rather a partner among their conceived deities. That is simply against monotheism, which is the basic belief of a Muslim.

Why can't teachers teach islam?

They can.