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Our loving Father God states (in part) in Jesus Christ here in Spirit:

You are now my beloved son ! (or daughter !)

Be you perfect, even as I AM perfect. I have become in Spirit as you now are, so that you may choose to become as I AM.

Follow and obey my beloved Son Jesus Christ in Whom I AM here with you in Spirit Oneness.

Human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1). In that, it is meant that we are like God as spiritual beings and were originally made perfect just like him. However, because of our disobedience we fell from God's grace and turned away from Him thus destroying the relationship between God and humans through our sin.

God's was in Jesus Christ, sent to die in our place for that sin, thus becoming the 'sacrificial lamb' who would remove sin and death for ever, restoring that replationship with God through his blood.

Thus what God says about human beings is best expressed in the words of John:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." [John3:16] Which god?

Yahweh says lots of things, from "love everyone" to "kill all the Egyptian first born", stopping by "it's ok to sell your daughter into sexual slavery". The Greek gods said lots of things about humans, but mostly used them for sport and sexual entertainment. Other gods have said other things. Most of them are fairly bizzare.

Note: If you dispute the accuracy of any of the above, please feel free to add a rebuttal, rather than simply delete what is an essentially accurate post. The questionner placed this in "Atheism", presumably for an atheist perspective. Please respect that.

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