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unfortunately, the souls of the dead cannot come back as ghosts, so we have no way of knowing. however, many have had out-of-body experiences where they see themselves (obviously) from outside of their own body. this is the closest living people can get to the experience of dying and going to heaven.

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13y ago

Have you ever had a relative or friend that recently just died? If so, they have gone to heaven. You could be asking yourself,"what happens when aunt Jennette or cousin Barkley or my girlfriend Betty Lou go to heaven?" I'll tell you everything I heard from a friend of mine.

First, your dead, once your dead you go into heaven but that's only your spirit. Once you're in there, you are erased of every memory you have about everything you had in your life and you just spend the rest of your life that way.


The Bible doesn't promise anyone heaven, so that isn't a source.

Jesus says: " man hath ascended up to heaven..." (John 3:13), so He is no help.

All I've ever heard are unsubstantiated personal opinions and personal beliefs. But then, who can prove otherwise? Heaven is supposed to be a fabulous, blissful, perfect place to be.

Some say you spend all eternity at Jesus' feet as He sits on His throne, praising Him forever (in spite of the refuting of His words).

Some say you float on a cloud for all eternity playing a harp... even though I don't know how many people are trained on that instrument. But then, we have all eternity to learn it if it's true.

Some say you recline on your own cloud without a care in the world, and look down on the miserable people suffering on earth. I think it would be tough being joyful and happy and serene, watching your loved ones suffering. But, that's what some say.

Most opinions lean heavily toward inactivity... spiritual retirement... doing nothing... forever. I tend to think these thoughts come from those who are dragging themselves home after a hard day. They just want to collapse, rest, and do nothing. That kind of heaven would be very appealing to them. How much can you do in clouds, anyway?

If that's true, of course, I have to wonder how blissful heaven can be. Most people can't sit still for very long before they feel the need to get up and do something.

In the end, however... we still have to get heaven, to really find out what happens. If we can somehow change Jesus' stance on our going there.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." (Heb.13:8)


(No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven. John 3:13)

The Real Answer:

When you die, you don't go to heaven, you're just dead. We're just animals. Death is similar to erasing everything that has ever happened. However, life goes on through your family. Half of you goes to your children. That's the meaning of life. To reproduce. That way, you will never truly die.

Think about it, religion is just a way to explain things, and there I have explained it. No need for fake tales of fairies and angels.

Source: Contemplation

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14y ago

If indeed heaven exists, it appears from the Book of Revelation and from Christian tradition that you will spend eternity in praising God. Heaven is assumed to be a paradise, but there are few traditions that tell us in what way souls will be especially happy there, apart from the Islamic view that men will be allocated perpetual virgins for their gratification.

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13y ago

Well, when you get to heaven, you are in a beautiful place. It's not like those "walking on clouds and flying around" type things, it's actually magnificent. God knows everything about you. what you do or have done. EVERYTHING. It's actually not scary when you think about it. So God prepares a special place for you before you go to heaven. It's a place that you've always dreamt you would live in forever. Like if you LOVE it at your grandma's house and you want to live there forever, God makes that exact place for you up in heaven because he loves you. You're his creation.

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