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All you want, with one person for life. Rebellious ancients, who weren't going to limit themselves to one, anyway, would seem to have gotten a polygamy pass, but results would say otherwise.

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1y ago

God allows sex within the context of marriage between a man and a woman. He designed sex to be a beautiful and intimate expression of love and unity between husband and wife. Outside of this context, God considers sexual activity to be sinful.

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What does the name Ari ah mean?

the name ari means was mentioned in the Athens during 1623 and was mentioned as the sex god or goddess, also that god invented contraception so there wouldn't be any er sex god or goddesses. THIS IS FACT!! the name ari means was mentioned in the Athens during 1623 and was mentioned as the sex god or goddess, also that god invented contraception so there wouldn't be any er sex god or goddesses. THIS IS FACT!! the name ari was mentioned in the Athens during 1623 and was mentioned as the sex god or goddess, also that god invented contraception so there wouldn't be any other sex god or goddesses. THIS IS FACT!!

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a sex god is a term not used anymore used on very hot and sexy guys which are usually famous. For example: look up Robert plant from Led Zepplin (the band) because he was a sex god and you will know why when you see him!