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The Buddha spoke at great lengths on Nirvana, so that idea is incorrect. As for the afterlife and a soul Buddha and Buddhist do not believe in a separate, infinite soul or an eternal afterlife. Buddhists do not believe in the transmigration of a soul that occurs after death.

We believe in a rebirth of the consciousness, but not, again, a strict "if I was like this (happy, angry, a worrier, etc) in a former life I will be like this in the next. What we believe is that all sentient beings form a universal consciousness and that individuals are a culmination of their former consciousness, their actions (karma) and all that they affected. It can be explain more simply like this:

Think of all the sentient beings as being a part of the ocean. Actions happen that causes waves to occur. These waves are a part of the ocean but still have individual characteristics. After a while the wave diminishes and disappears, but that wave has affected the ocean and causes a new wave to appear in a slightly different form but with some characteristics of the old wave. Our individual selves are those waves. We rise (are born), we live are lives (we perform activities (actions) and then we die (return to the ocean).

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Q: What does Buddha suggests as the reason he doesn't say much about religious concepts such nirvana the soul or the afterlife?
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