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Buddha statues most typically sit on what is called a "lotus throne". And he sits in the "half lotus form". The "lotus form" is when the right leg is over the left leg, and the soles of the feet are pointed upward. The "lotus form" is also commonly called the "hero form".

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Buddha Is As Buddha Does has 288 pages.

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Buddha Is As Buddha Does was created on 2008-02-26.

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The ISBN of Buddha Is As Buddha Does is 978-0-06-085953-4.

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Yes, because he was a Buddha!

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What is the correct spelling of Buddha?

With the apostrophe so that it is Buddha's.

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It depends on the garden. Often, you will find lush vegetation, statues of the Buddha (or others), marble walk ways, fountains, benches or chairs to sit on, etc.

Who was the founder of buddha?

Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha or the historical Buddha.