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It was at Antioch that Jesus' followers were first called Christians.

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Q: What does Antioch have to do with Christianity?
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Where is antioch located where christianity began?

Antioch is situated where modern-day Antakya, Turkey lies.

What were the five cities where Christianity spread in rome?

Alexandria,Antioch,Corinth,Ephesus,and Thessalonica

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Virginia Corwin has written: 'St. Ignatius and Christianity in Antioch ...'

What nation or region was Christianity founded in?

In Antioch (modern name Antakya) in Turkey. Acts 11:26

What Original Christian city?

Christianity first came into existence in Jerusalem, but Antioch was the first city in which anyone called them "Christians".

In which Roman Empire province did Christianity have its start?

Jesus preached in the province of Judaea, but the term Christian was coined in Antioch, in the province of Syria

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Where did Christianity first begun?

Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity, so it began with him. He was born in Bethlehem of Judea in Israel. The coming of Jesus Christ as the Messiah who would save the world from their sins was first told by God himself when Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden. Christians were first called "Christians" in Antioch, but Antioch wasn't the the place where Christianity first began. It was already well under way.

What section of the world did Christianity find its beginning?

Christianity began in Israel - the Middle East. The first time the term 'Christian' was used was in Antioch, Turkey today (ancient Syria then) - see Acts 11:26

How did Jesus's follows come to be known as Christianity?

The term was first coined in Antioch in the middle first century: Acts 11:26New International Version (NIV) 26 and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

What place of origin was Christianity begun?

Jesus preached in Galilee and Jerusalem. He was crucified in Jerusalem, and that was the first Christian church. They were first call "Christians" in Antioch.

Where is the Antioch Library in Antioch located?

The address of the Antioch Library is: 501 W. 18Th Street, Antioch, 94509 2292