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Q: What document placed Christianity on an equal par with all other religions of Rome?
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Who was the first Roman Emperor to make Christianity equal to all other religions?

Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.Constantine was the first Roman emperor to legalize and make Christianity equal to other religions.

What was the importance of making Christianity equal to other religions?

In the early years (nearly two to four hundred) after the supposed death of Jesus the Christ, Christianity was new to the existing world around the Mediterranean. In order to be "accepted", the new religion had to hold its own. It never became equal however as religions are never "equal" to each other.

How has Christianity and Islam impacted human rights?

Both religions call for equal human rights for all irrelevant to race, color, faith, gender, or nationality.

What religion taught that all people were equal?

Various religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism, have teachings that emphasize the equality of all individuals before God. These religions advocate for treating others with respect, compassion, and equality, regardless of their social status, ethnicity, or background.

What religions care for the world?

well the specified notification is parrelell to its equal world so the religions believe that equal worlds equal scientology on a onimatupere

If all religions teach that people are equal why don't people all follow the same religion?

Because teaching that people are equal is quite different from teaching that religions are equal.(And some religions actually do not teach either of these things!)

How do you get equal space above and below a document?

You get equal space above and below a document when you center the thingy-ma-bob

Do Sikhs believe all religions are equal?

yes they do

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An equation

What is the main religion in East Africa?

The main religion in East Africa is Christianity, followed by Islam and traditional African religions. Christianity and Islam were introduced to the region by European and Arab traders and missionaries, while traditional African religions have deep-rooted beliefs and practices among various ethnic groups.

What is lower Christianity?

There is no Lower Christianity Jesus made us all equal that's why he put us on this Earth

Which document states that all men are equal?

the Declaration of Independence