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what we profess as baptized christian

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Q: What do you profess as baptized Christians?
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What you profess as a baptized christians?

As a baptized Christian you profess your faith in Jesus.

What you profess as baptized christian?

As a baptized Christian you profess your faith in Jesus.

What religion does Dave Annable profess or was baptized in?

Nobody knows! was he ever baptized! well kept secret. His wife Odette has a Roman Catholic background.

How many Christians are there in the world that are not baptized?

You can go to church and not be baptized, but to be recognized as a Christian to the church you have to be baptized.

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The Creed What Christians Profess and Why It Ought to Matter - 2011 was released on: USA: 17 February 2011 (DVD premiere)

How many Christian in Amerca?

About 78% of people in the United States profess to be Christians.

What religion do most people in the US practice?

Most people in the US who profess any religion profess to be Christians. There are many denominations of Christianity in the US.

Is Nico and Vinz Christian?

They don't perform Christian music and they don't profess to be Christians.

To what are all baptized people called?

Share their faith

What is the normal age for baptism?

There isn't a definite age that Christians are baptized. In some denominations, they are baptized as babies. In others, they are baptized usually around high school age, but are not limited to that age. For Christians who are baptized later and not as babies, it is a matter of personal decision, each person has a different time that they feel 'ready' to be baptized and declare their faith.

How can being baptized make a difference to your life?

Christians believe that being baptized means that you have been united with the holy spirit, as a result, you will make it into heaven because you have the spirit in you. There is no age limit for being baptized, but most people get baptized as babies.

What religion is place of worship is a mosque?

A mosque is a church where Muslims go to profess their beliefs in Islam.