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Fundamentals, in any art or discipline, are the basic skills and concepts upon which all else are built. In the case of drawing (or draughtsmanship), knowing/having your fundamentals would mean that you:

Have a reasonable grasp of linear perspective, the ability to draw things in a credible space by use of a horizon line and vanishing points.

The ability to draw the human figure (including heads, faces, hands...) reasonably.

Can lay things out, reasonably approximating their proportions, unaided by tools like rulers.

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Kathryn Lebsack

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The duration of The Roots of Fundamentalism is 1.25 hours.

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Fundamental is a noun & an adjective.

What does fundamentalism mean in today's world?

Typically, fundamentalism describes a sect of Christianity that emphasizes strict adherence to literal interpretations of the Bible. It can also be used to describe anyone following an ideology in a rigid manner.

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It sounds like another way of describing the concept of religious fundamentalism.

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Fundamentalism Characterized by the belief in a literal, or word for word, interpretation of The Bible.

WHAT best summarizes the Scopes trial?

A struggle between science and fundamentalism

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Ernest Robert Sandeen has written: 'The roots of fundamentalism' -- subject(s): Fundamentalism, Millennialism

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George W. Dollar has written: 'A history of fundamentalism in America' -- subject(s): Fundamentalism, History

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