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Q: What do you call a person who practice celibacy?
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lawyer or attorney- synonym- both practice law

Is celibacy inherited?

In terms of celibacy as part of religious practice it may be encouraged or 'passed down' by those practicing it to people who develop an interest in it, but it is not passed down or inherited biologically. A celibate is a person who is unmarried. On the other hand, consider groups or cultures of people who traditionally form couples without marriage. These couples, while unmarried (and therefore celibate), will have children, and pass on the traditions of celibacy to their offspring. This would still be a social rather than a biological inheritance. Celibacy is not a biological characteristic of an individual.

What do you call a person that practice Buddhism?

You call someone who practices buddhism a buddhist ur very welcome :)

Which religions practice celibacy?

Some of the religions that practice celibacy include Catholicism, Buddhism (particularly in monastic traditions), and Hinduism (found in some sects and practices). Additionally, some orders of Jainism and certain branches of Orthodox Christianity also advocate celibacy as a way to focus on spiritual growth.

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A batting cage.

Can a Jewish person call on their dead relatives through a medium?

the Torah forbids that practice.

Why aren't priest allowed to practice celibacy?

All priests in the Latin Rite (which comprises most Catholic communities in Western Europe, the Americas, and Australia) are required to practice celibacy as a norm with few exceptions, usually granted to priests who were married ministers in other ecclesial communities before converting to Catholicism. Priests in the Eastern Rites may usually be married, if the marriage precedes their ordination.

When is it the right time to tell your parents you want or have a boyfriend?

Celibacy celibacy celibacy! Wait until marriage to have a boyfriend or Allah will hurt you violently.

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What actors and actresses appeared in Celibacy - 2004?

The cast of Celibacy - 2004 includes: Ralph Pinto