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That they are the inspired words of the ultimate authority, God.

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Q: What do we mean when we say Scriptures are authoritative?
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Why the ten commandments is nowhere to be found in canon law?

There is no need for the Ten Commandments to be in canon law when it is in the authoritative Scriptures. The Scriptures has authority over the canon law. It is not the other way around.

What do we mean when we say that the Bible is the Church's book?

Christ's Church accepts it as the authoritative word of God. But it may be beneficial for all who read it.

What does the christian church believe about the Holy Scriptures?

The Christian church believes that the Holy Scriptures, which include the Old and New Testaments, are the inspired word of God. They are considered to be authoritative and provide guidance for faith and practice. The church emphasizes the importance of studying and interpreting the Scriptures to understand God's will and teachings.

What does in fulfillment of the scriptures mean?

Making the prophecies of the Scriptures come true.

What was john the baptist weight?

The Scriptures do not say. However, he must have been pretty skinny as the Scriptures do say that his diet was only "locusts & wild honey."

What does contravene mean?

To break a law. To be in conflict with the rules or regulations of some authoritative body.

Are there any ba ha'i scriptures?

Yes, the primary scriptures of the Baha'i Faith are the writings of Baha'u'llah, the founder of the faith, as well as the writings of the Bab, the forerunner of Baha'u'llah. These writings are considered by Baha'is to be the authoritative source of spiritual guidance for humanity. Additionally, the Baha'i Faith recognizes the scriptures of some previous religions, such as the Quran and the Bible, as having inspired and relevant teachings.

What does the word expert mean?

a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area

How do you witness the trinty to a Jehovah's witness?

You talk and discuss both your beliefs. You say what you believe and they say what they believe without being rude or arguing. You show them scriptures in the Bible; they show you scriptures in the Bible. And go on like that. Find scriptures that you would use to prove the Trinity.

What is the root word of authoritative?

The root word of authoritative is "authority."

What are some sentences for meditating?

It is best to meditate on the scriptures in the bible. Scriptures that say what God says you are and what you can posess. Isaiah 8:18 ... we are for signs and wonders.

What is a sentence using the word authoritative?

"Only a court can give an authoritative interpretation of the law." "The government is awaiting an authoritative report on the disaster."