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Sisters and nuns

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Q: What do they call a woman who has taken a religious vows?
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What do you call a woman who has taken religious vows?

Anything we promise God can be a vow to him. An example of this is when we choose to dedicate our life to God and symbolize that dedication by water baptism. We are promising God that we will live for him for the rest of our lives, forever. This is a vow.

A woman who takes religious vows is called what?

A woman who takes religious vows is called a nun.

What is the homonym for none?

The homonym for "none" is "nun," which refers to a religious woman who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and typically lives in a convent.

Poverty chastity and obedience are know as?

Vows; often taken by religious

Is nun a occupation?

A nun is a religious woman under solemn vows living a cloistered, contemplative life in a monastery. A nun's occupation is to follow Jesus Christ through her vows, and daily celebration of the Mass and the Divine Office.


A nun is a woman who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and lives a religious life dedicated to prayer, service, and worship. Nuns may belong to various religious orders within the Catholic Church or other Christian denominations.

Is a nun male or female?

A nun is a female member of a religious community who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

What is the ceremony called when someone becomes a priest?

Religious Profession, usually during a Mass, is when a woman takes her vows as a nun.

Can a medieval dyer get married?

A dyer was a person who applied dye to fabric. As far as I know, the only people in the Middle Ages who were not allowed to marry were people who had taken religious vows, such as priests, monks, and nuns. A dyer could get married if he or she had never taken such vows.

Why were religious vows added to the feudal oath taken by a knight?

Religious vows were added to the feudal oath taken by a knight to signify their commitment to uphold Christian values and principles in their conduct as warriors. It also served to emphasize the spiritual aspect of their chivalric duties and obligations.

What are priests and sisters all called?

Priests and nuns can all be referred to as members of a religious order, and as people who have taken vows of obedience to that order.

What is a woman in the process of becoming a nun called?

A woman in the process of becoming a nun is typically referred to as a postulant. This stage is the initial period of formation and discernment before taking formal religious vows.