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The Khanda is a very important symbol in Sikhism. The Khanda symbolizes God's Universal and Creative Power. In it's center is a double edged sword, which symbolizes the primal and almighty power of the creator. The 'Chakra' or the circle is a symbol of the continuity. The two swords on the outside are symbols of the spiritual and political balance in the universe.

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Q: What do the three parts of the Sikh symbol mean?
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What does the Khanda mean?

A khanda is a sikh symbol and it means duck

What does the middle sword in the Sikh symbol mean?

The two edged sword in the middle of the Sikh symbol is called a khanda.

What do the different parts of the Sikh symbol mean?

The Khanda is a very important symbol in Sikhism. The Khanda symbolizes God's Universal and Creative Power. In it's center is a double edged sword, which symbolizes the primal and almighty power of the creator. The 'Chakra' or the circle is a symbol of the continuity. The two swords on the outside are symbols of the spiritual and political balance in the universe.

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What does the Sikh symbol on the flag mean?

The Sikh flag is called 'Nishan Sahib' The symbol on Nishan Sahib is called the Khanda The Khanda is a very important symbol in Sikhism. The Khanda symbolizes God's Universal and Creative Power. In it's center is a double edged sword, which symbolizes the primal and almighty power of the creator. The 'Chakra' or the circle is a symbol of the continuity. The two swords on the outside are symbols of the spiritual and political balance in the universe.

What do the swords mean on the Sikh khanda?

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