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Jehovah's Witnesses believe what the Bible states in Genesis 3:19 which says: "From dust you are - - to dust you will return." We understand that to mean that 'after life' you will enter: 'non-life'. After life is death, or non-existence. That's what we were before we came to life (dust / non existence) (there was no sign of us what-so-ever); that's where we would return.

The Bible also stated in Ezekiel 18:4 that "the soul that sins, it itself will die." Therefore, 'souls DIE'.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not worry about 'eternal torment' after death. When we are dead - - we are dead, not alive.

We also do NOT have any desire of getting to heaven. The idea of 'transformed' and 'transferred', smacks of a Hollywood Star Trek concept, not a Bible concept for mankind.

But, the Bible also promises a 'resurrection'. This would happen as John 11:24 states: "on the last day". God is able to RE-create a person who has died and is non-existent. Mankind would once again be able to live FOREVER in Paradise ON EARTH, not heaven.

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I am glad to see someone interested in their spirituality, also having faith in God's written word the Bible will help build even stronger faith. "Salvation and Eternal Life" that what Jehovah God want for obedient mankind. Jehovah sent his only begotten "son" Jesus Christ to the earth to save mankind "first" from sin and death by means of a ransom sacrifice, were Jesus would buy back what mankind had loss a perfect human body and mind to worship Jehovah correctly(Revelation 21:3,4) Jehovah then promise something even more wonderful for obedient mankind "Eternal Life" on Earth based on his original purpose according to Genesis 1:26-30, also to enjoy life to the fullest Jehovah promise that the Earth will remain forever (Ecclesiastes 1:4), and removing what causes disobedience, God's and our enemy at Revelation 20:1-3, and once that is completed obedient mankind's can and will have Eternal Life on a Paradise Earth once again Genesis 1:31...Yahoo

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Q: What do the Jehovah witnesses believe about salvation and eternal life?
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Who do Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus Christ is?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is the "first-born" and "only begotten" son of Almighty God and that he came to the earth willingly to redeem mankind from the sin that Adam put upon all his offspring. That by exercising faith in this "ransom sacrifice" of Jesus is the only means of salvation. John 3:16 Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus was born of a virgin mother, Mary and that his father is Almighty God. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that to be a follower of Christ, you must live your life according to the example that Jesus set while he was on the earth. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament (confirming he was the Messiah) Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the miracles that Jesus performed while on earth (healing, resurrection of dead ones, feeding large crowds) was a small demonstration of the powers that God has in store for the future paradise earth mentioned in the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that after his human life, Jesus was resurrected into the heavens and is now ruling as a King in the heavens. Jehovah's Witnesses believe all this and much much more! See related links for more information.

What can mankind do to obtain eternal salvation?

You only have to believe that Jesus died for your sins on the cross.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses call upon Christ's name for salvation?

JW AnswerYes, they do. They believe that Jesus Christ is the first born son of God, and that he sacrificed himself for our sins, that we might have eternal life.Non JW AnswerAlthough, when asked directly, "Jehovah's Witnesses" may make the claim that they call upon Christ's name for salvation, in reality the question is: Is this actually so?The most important question that needs to be asked is: What does it mean to "call upon the name of Christ for salvation"? This is simply answered to put your faith in Jesus and recognize your need for HIM to save you because there is quite simply nothing that you can do to save yourself. But "Jehovah's Witnesses" do not teach this, they teach that Jesus balanced the scales of Adam's sin, but to receive eternal life you must earn it yourself. So JW's are forced to put their faith in their own "good" deeds, rather than in Christ Jesus alone as Acts 4:11-12 teaches."This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:11-12

What is the philosophical basis of Jehovah's witnesses?

Very very simple:1) Jehovah God is the Creator of the Universe and mankind on earth. He is the 'Almighty'. Due to his Creatorship; all intelligent creation owes him something. At the least they owe him 'thanks'. But since our CONTINUED existence each day also is dependent upon Jehovah's making that possible; we owe him our praise; our honor; our obedience; our worship.2) Jehovah's Witnesses are exactly what their name says; they are Witnesses of Jehovah God.3) Therefore it would behoove anyone to LISTEN to Jehovah God; and obey his righteous requirements; -- and that they LISTEN to Jehovah's personal Witnesses.4) Jehovah God has endorsed them to carry his 'name'; and his 'message' to others who are not yet witnesses of Jehovah God.5) The fact that Jehovah God has endorsed them; -- sent them out to 'witness'; -- and blessed their door-step ministry; -- this is the philosophical basis of Jehovah's Witnesses.Among other things, mankind's eternal welfare depends on those things.

What do jehovah'a witnesses believe?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe many things. Please permit me to list a few:1) We believe that 'Jehovah' is the personal name by which Almighty God has identified himself to us of mankind.2) We believe that Jehovah God is a God of Love, Compassion, and Mercy.3) Therefore we believe that Jehovah God would never - - never in a billion years, 'torment' someone 'eternally'. We believe that such a concept of 'eternal torment' is the antitheses of what Jehovah God is all about.4) Therefore we do NOT worship a god of 'eternal torment'. We worship a God of love, compassion, and mercy.Please see link below (about the eternal torment conceptwhich many other religions believe in).5) We believe that Almighty God has the right to set STANDARDS by which mankind must live by. We believe that God's standards are completely righteous, and are beneficial for us.6) We also believe that once we come to really KNOW Jehovah, that we should 'witness' about him, and about his righteous standards. And that we should try to help others to live by his righteous standards. This is not always easy; but can be accomplished with the right help. The world at large has failed. Jehovah's Witnesses have achieved a high standard of moral cleanness among themselves. Of course, we understand, only by Jehovah's help could we ever have achieved it.7) Jehovah's Witness also believe in a DIFFERENT INHERITANCE than going to heaven. We don't teach our children about the 'need to get to heaven'. In our house-to-house ministry we don't teach people about 'getting to heaven.' We believe as the Bible clearly states in Psalm 37:11 (and MANY other verses), that 'the meek' shall 'inherit THE EARTH', -- not heaven. After all, this was NOT God's 'original purpose' when he created this thing called 'man-kind'. Most people find that their religion did not teach them about this yet.

Should Jehovah's Witnesses go to first communion?

Jehovah's Witnesses don't use that term; some Witnesses don't even know what it means although others realize that it is a Catholic ceremony and as such Witnesses have no part of it, as it is considered to be part of false religious worship. We don't use so many terms found in mainstream Christendom, like 'rapture', or 'eternal torment' or 'immortal soul'. And even though we strongly believe in Jesus, we don't even celebrate Christmas.But if this helps; the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses don't have any desire to getting into heaven. The Bible states that 'the meek' will have a different 'inheritance'. They "shall inherit the earth'; -- not heaven. So there is no need for communion; because most Witnesses believe that they will not share with Christ as kings, priest, and judges, only a minority of Witnesses have such a hope -- We consider ourselves to be the 'the meek' who submit to Christ's Kingship, along with those God chose to rule with him 'OVER the earth', the 'new earth'.

What are the differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and Presbyterians?

Some differences:a) Jehovah's Witnesses visit people at their homes to share with them spiritual things; read a few scriptures from the Bible; help people who wish to conform their life to the righteous moral standards of God's Word. Presbyterians do not train their rank-&-file members to do a house-to-house ministry.b) Jehovah's Witnesses do not tolerate homosexual behavior among it's members, let alone allow them to be elders or deacons. Some Presbyterian church groups allows openly homosexual members to become deacons and elders in the church.The Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) permits same-sex 'ceremonies' as long as they're not called 'marriage'; therefore homosexual habitation and behavior is permitted.c) Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc because of their pagan origins. Presbyterians celebrate such events.d) Jehovah's Witnesses do not participate in any military (war) efforts in imitation of Christ Jesus stance. Presbyterians do take are armaments and engage in warfare.e) Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the concept of 'eternal torment' is a 'God-DISHONORING' doctrine; and that God would never in a million years permit such a place to exist in his Universe. Presbyterians believe God permits such a thing as a literal place of 'eternal torment' in a fiery hell.f) Jehovah's Witnesses in general are not seeking to enter heaven. We believe as the Bible states in Psalm 37:11,29 that 'the meek' will have a different inheritance. We believe that the earth will be transformed into a global Paradise, in which righteousness will dwell, and the meek will inherit 'the earth', not heaven. Presbyterians believe that people approved by God will be 'transformed' into another form; and then be 'transferred' to live in another place (heaven.)Of course there are many more differences. And there may be some agreements also.

Do kingdom hall of Jehovah's witness believe in god?

Yes! Their name has already answer this question. Jehovah is God, the only Creator of the universe,unique personal name. It is so unique that it means God will do what he want to do. Besides that, Jehovah's Witnesses worship God only, and all dedication and prayer and all praise made by Jehovah's witnesses is presented to God only.

What was the eternal treasure Jesus gave to us?

It is salvation and eternal life.

What is the difference between Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses?

Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses both believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. However, Christians believe that Jesus Christ is one with God the Father (aka Jehovah). Meaning that Jesus Christ is in fact God himself in a human body. Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Jesus Christ is the son of God, but he is not God himself. There are other doctrinal differences but this is the main difference in belief. Both mainstream Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses claim to believe and follow The Bible, however there are marked differences between both groups. Mainstream Christians believe Jesus to be Almighty God while JW believe Jesus to be the Son of God (Luke 3:21-22) Mainstream Christians believe in a trinity (one God revealed in three ways: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) while JW believe there to be only One True God and Creator (Deut 6:4) Mainstream Christians believe the wicked are tortured forever in hellfire JW believe God is love and that eternal burning in hell is not a biblical teaching (Jer 7:21) Mainstream Christians rarely refer to God by his personal name (Yahweh/Jehovah) The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God's name should be Sanctified, honoured and praised at every opportunity (Math 6:9) Mainstream Christians Generally do not have a practice of preaching the Gospel. Jehovah's Witnesses are well known for their public ministry (Math 28:19:20) Most mainstream Christians have no objection to participating in War or politics Jehovah's Witnesses insist on remaining politically neutral (John 15:19) Mainstream Christian religions teach the "immortality of the soul" Jehovah's Witnesses believe the soul can be destroyed (Matthew 10:2 Mainstream Christians usually have a human leader (a pope, an deacon, a Bishop) JW only recognise Jesus as their leader (Mat 23:10) Mainstream Christians have many pagan rituals incorporated into their religious rituals Jehovah's Witnesses reject all celebrations and ceremonies with pagan origins (2 Cor 6:15) Many mainstream Christians churches use a lot of idols in their worship and they venerate the cross. JW reject the use of idols (1 Cor 1:14) Mainstream Christians have a clergy/laity class of ministers JW consider all their members ministers and all partake in preaching and teaching (Matthew 23:9) There are other similarities and differences.