Wikianswers isn't really intended to be an opinion service; however if you look at the Wikipedia article on Hovind, he is criticised by "creationists" for presenting obviously invalid arguments and thus making their position look weaker, evolutionary scientists who have debated Hovind are surprised by his ignorance of evolution.
Kent Hovind was born on January 15, 1953.
Kent Hovind was born on January 15, 1953.
Kent Hovind is 58 years old (birthdate: January 15, 1953).
The cast of Dr. Hovind vs. Dr. Bartelt - 1998 includes: Karen Bartelt as herself Kent Hovind as himself
Pseudoscience and religious literalism. In other words, sheer bunkum.
Kent Hovind is a young-earth creationist and Christian fundamentalist who gained notoriety for his views on evolution and the age of the Earth. He has promoted creation science through his ministry and seminars, and has been involved in legal issues related to tax evasion.
The cast of After the Tribulation - 2012 includes: Kent Hovind as himself Roger Jimenez as Himself, pastor
The cast of The Genesis Flood - 1993 includes: Kent Hovind as himself Farrell Till as himself
The cast of Creation Boot Camp - 2005 includes: Carl Baugh as himself Jack Cuozzo as himself Louis DeGraves as himself Kent Hovind as himself Eric Hovind as himself Dennis Swift as himself
Probably Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, VenomFangX, and Ken Ham. All equally stupid
Kevin Hovind is famous for his work as an Evangelist. He created the Creation Science Evangelism in 1991. He openly speaks against evolution and cosmology. He supports the Biblical Creation Theory. He is currently serving a federal prison sentence for tax charges, obstruction, and structuring cash transactions.
The cast of The Age of the Earth Debate - 1995 includes: Robert Gange as himself Kent Hovind as himself