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well there's a lot of stuff like ice cream, pie,cotton candy,carmal apples,min cakes,sodas,and lots more that i don't no of

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Q: What do people eat at the carnival?
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What do people in Quebec eat at the winter carnival?

They eat because they are people they need food to survive.

What do Brazilian people eat during carnivals?

they eat a beautiful delicious relive. its a type of spanish food which they eat during the carnival.

What do they eat at carnival?


What race of people plays carnival in Trinidad?

All races of people play carnival in Trinidad and tobago.

What food is served at the quebec winter carnival?

They eat pastries shacks, BBQ, maple taffy,hot dogs,pancakes,flapjacks those are the food they eat in the winter carnival.

Carnival is a waste of time?

Carnival is not waste of time, effort and money. Why? Because Carnival is a place where people go to have fun and enjoy themselves with friends and family. If Carnival was a waste of time, effort or money why do people go anyway?

What are disadvantages of Trinidad carnival?

The Disadvantages of Trinidad Carnival Are: Too Much of loud music,people drinking too much of alcohal and doing crime after Carnival

What to eat on Carnival of Brazil?

king cake is what you always have to eat no matter what and fish and fries and cow balls

Is a carnival a type of animal?

No, a carnival is not a type of animal. A carnival is a party that is thrown. Often times, this party will have rides that people can participate in, and food stands.

How many people on average go to Quebec Winter Carnival?

About 65,000 people go to Quebec City to celebrate Quebec's Winter Carnival.

How many people go to portobello carnival?

200000 people

What is carnival?

Carnival is where people all over the world go and have fun. it's kind of a funfair for everyone. :)