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Well,i have heard from my school class people....

that he was very rich absolutely very rich!

He was in CIA

means he knows many things of westernn..

he helped them in a War or something(more like rivlries cases...)

as he was rich he was somehow told about jihad and went to afhgnistan living in caves etc.

He knew secrets ..Cia.. so millitry after him,



i think he had at first no intention of doing something with Us

But jihad encouraged him so mabye he started and once

and then we know is 9/11

He was for only one mission spread Islam but i myself agree that he should spread it in peace but not kill us

if you have a free mind(means on no side)

then Osama was not bad neither us

osama's Afghanistan attack od us so next thing we know is they attack

Neighbouring country inocent ppl sometime killed,so he in his mind felt that they are cruel

He was a Muslim,and i think he is a true muslim but foreigners have demoralized him by face videos,pics,attack on other countries etc.

sucide bombing and killing educated children was not their task i think as he was not cruel

but other countries did that making them face the music,

once every country against ,

us gets hands on afghanistan etc

where mabye they want minerals and other resources

this is all the information i know

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