It really only says that he went to these places and baptized all who wished to be baptized.
Moses means "cat" in Egyptian
Do you mean Moses ou John ? Do you mean Moses ou John ?
William Penn was baptized in 1644 at All Hallows-by-the-Tower Church in London
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river and i do not know when it was all i know is that he was in his 30's(at least i think)
First of all we do not have to follow Moses.
To be a Jew to Moses meant hardship and slavery under the cruel egyptian.
As far as I understand it, Moses. All the civilizations and cultures prior to Moses were polytheistic, the egyptians etc. Anyone understand this better? Well I mean God spoke to Noah? but the cultures in that time in that area were all polytheistic.
He was baptized BY Stephen Grover. Stephen Grover was a Presbyterian Minister who performed many baptisms in the New Jersey area.
All Christians are baptized as the Bible commands. The question is at what point of their lives do they get baptized - as an infant, 'coming of age' or as a responsible adult. Suggest reading Acts 2:38-41.