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Christians believe that those who are born again (have Gods Spirit in them) have eternal life (heaven forever! :) Christians believe also that those who don't have Gods Spirit in them, are going to hell (forever :( ). Christians believe in life after death between those two choices , heaven or hell- forever.

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10y ago

The majority of Christians believe there are only two places you can go ...Heaven or Hell. You only get into Heaven if you are saved and have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. This requires confession that you are a sinner and faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter what other "religions" teach, these are the only two choices for eternity after death. Hell will be constant burning with no relief, pain, suffering and darkness. Heaven is described as a wonderful place of peace...which would you choose? It's a no brainer to me!

You might also consider there will be no sadness in Heaven, therefore, all of our friends and family that have not been saved will not be in Heaven, so their memory will have to be erased from our minds. If not, we would be sad thinking of those not with us in Heaven. Think about it.

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13y ago

well when you die you will have to confess every single sin you have made on earth.

and if you were a true christian you accepted Jesus into your heart/accepted him as you saviour you will go to heaven.

but if you were not a christian, well, The Bible says you will be sent to the lake of fire were there is burning of flesh and gnashing of teeth, or in other words you go to hell for all of eternity.

so to put it simple if you ain't christian you goin to hell:( sorry (no I'm not its your own freaken fault, you read this you know what your denying)

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11y ago

Different Christians believe different things, and often different things depending on the relative righteousness of the individual.

Often, the belief is that you go to heaven or hell. Sometimes it is limbo though, or a generic spirit world before the judgement.

Some people believe that you will be resurrected with your current body. Others that you won't need a body anymore. Others, that you will be reincarnated into a new body to live again if you didn't get it right this time. There is a very wide variety in Christian belief, but in most cases, there is the idea of a reward or punishment for earthly actions embodied in the idea of Heaven or Hell.

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11y ago

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,


Christians believe that, after death, everyone's spirit and soul will go to either of these two places: heaven (eternal life) or hell (eternal death).

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14y ago

His/her soul stands before the throne of God and waits for the place to be (paradise or hell) till the doomsday. The decision depends on his/her life lived on Earth.

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What religion believes when you die you go to hell?

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