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Q: What do Sikhism believe you must do to a live a good life?
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Sikhism believes in One God, Karma,Meditation On God, and to live a life of house holder rather than being ascetic.

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he lived as an artist, and I believe he was married with no children.

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Because she always pray. and Rihanna wants to live a good life not a bad life

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yes he showed people a good way to live there lives

What does a long life may not be good enough but a good life is long enough mean?

you could be very old in age,but if u didn't live it good then its not a good life at all!but,a good life I believe is when you enjoy everything God has given you..

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Because, if the pharaohs heart weighed more than an ostrich they will go to the afterlife and live a Good life on.

Is life really good?

i think life can be good and bad somwtimes its bad and sometimes its good!!!!!! it depends on the way you live your life, your peception toward you life determines how your life will me.. so stay happy always.. you are the creator of your destiny..believe in yourself.. there is no good bad things in this world..

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Why would you want a guy to believe you're progressing & doing well? Live your life to please yourself, not to impress others.

What countries do Sikhism live in?

In a wide range of countries

Why do people believe in the after life?

they believe in the after life because they are afraid of death. they dont want to die so the after life is where they live on.

Is it good to be a Christian?

yes, because when you die, you get to be with the Lord and live forever in heaven. hell is not a good option "it is better to believe your whole life that God is there and die to find out he wasn't, than to not believe and die to find out he was there."

What do Sikhs believe when the die?

they belive that they reborn. if they live a good life they reborn into a human if they don't they reborn into something like a slug