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The rights are to follow the teachings per Quran and Sunnah (prophet Muhamad PBUH sayings and practices). Refer to questions below in this regards.

Some of the wrongs are:

  • denying worshiping Allah (God in English) as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no associate, and no equivalence
  • denying or not following any of the Islam five pillars
  • fornication
  • drinking alocohols
  • eating pork, drinking bolld, or eating meat of dead animals
  • gambling
  • lying
  • self pride and feeling superiority over other people
  • disrespect of people especially parents
  • denying giving charities to the poor and/or helping them
  • killing innocent people and/or terrifying them
  • wearing cloth against Islam teachings
  • wasting time, money, and/or health in unuseful acts
  • .... etc

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9y ago

Yes, but not all Muslims are united on all issues of what is right and what is wrong. For someone of the Islamic faith, the prophet Muhammad wrote the code for a Muslim to follow in the Koran. There are strict moral guidelines and many scriptures that talk about things like being forgiving and generous within the Koran, as well as many other principles. However, there is also a lot of debate of interpretation when it comes to how to treat others who are not following the words of Koran. It is on that point that many Muslims disagree on.

Most of the Islamic faith also view the Old Testament as a holy book, especially the first 5 books, and some even consider Jesus to be a prophet. So things written in The Bible, about what is right and wrong, also holds some weight with many Muslims. However, the Koran is considered the infallible word of God.

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9y ago

First of all, 1.6 billion people do not think the same things about anything; there is incredible diversity within the Muslim world. Second, "different" refers to another party and there are numerous Non-Muslim groups that have completely different moralities.

A much better way to phrase the question would be: "Does Islamic Law and Morality differ from Western Law and Morality?" The answer to this would be: It depends entirely on the particular legal question. Criminal Law, Penal Codes, and Family Law are very different between Islamic Law and Western Law.

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10y ago

Muslims believe that all what is mentioned in Qur'an and prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) hadith is right. Prophet hadith translates all prophet sayings and practices.

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15y ago

Following the qu'ran is right Not following it is wrong

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It doesn't matter his color . but some people what ever his color have some wrong believes about Islam and some has right believes about Islam , how it is wrong and right it is measured from quran and the prophet Muhammad suna "his way of life"

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I think Jesus is both - prophet to the Muslims and god to the Christians. Both cannot be correct one must be right and one must be wrong. If the Christians are correct with their belief (John 10:30) - the Muslims will have some explaining to do. If the Muslims are correct with their belief (John 17:3) - the Christians will have some explaining to do.

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If you mean mentally always think you are right if someone says your wrong THINK YOU ARE NOT unless I tell you, you are wrong than you ARE

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i think pink goes with white if im right then im right and if im wrong well then im wrong

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everyone has to go to jail if they do something wrong, including muslims!!

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to day we the muslims are not in such position that we say what is wrong and what is right al the allama's and other thinkers are fail in 21st century. i only know that the heart tell us what is right and what is wrong i only know and say that 786 Meaning is Bismillah Rehman Rahim and what u think about this i don't mind ur thoughts. Junaid Hussain Khan +923136010044

How do you know what is right?

You now what is right because you have been shown what is right and what is wrong, also you have a gut feeling like when you have done something wrong you feel guilty and when you do something right you feel good about yourself. The law plays a big part in what you think is wrong and right as if you do something wrong then you are punished.

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becsuse they did not know what was right and what was wrong that's why god sent them the Quran ,to lead the right way and that's true

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Islam is a religion, not a race. Not all Muslims are Arab. What's more, Muslims are people and have a right to live wherever they please, so long as they do it legally. Religious discrimination is wrong.

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Whatever you think. its right or wrong. its up to you. make the RIght choice