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Muslims have to do Wudhu before reading or even touching the Holy Qur'an. Wudhu is the sacred wash that is required to do before doing anything holy.

Muslims have to wash before touching the Qur'an because it purifies them- Muhammad washed before doing prayer too and we follow this Holy Prophet.

Wudhu purifies our body which is full of dirt usually. It says in the Qur'an, if you do Wudhu, it makes you cleaner.

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10y ago

It is called ablution this is how to do it

A good video showing how to do it is in the Related Links below.

let me tell you as well and watch the video also. make your intention do to wudhu for prayer or to read quran. intention is not said out loud that is forbidden. If I am going to pick up a glass of water and then I picked it up, then my intention was to pick up the glass of water. so when you go to do wudhu make sure it is for praying or reading quran and not for showing off to other people.

then wash hands three times up to the wrist

get a palm of water on your right hand then suck that water in your mouth AND with the same handfull of water sniff the water in your nose. rinse your mouth and blow it out and blow out the water in your nose with you LEFT finger. *It is forbidden to clean the nose with the right hand*

then wash the face three times, scrub the beard if you have one. The water needs to all over the face so that water is from the chin to the forehead and to the left earlobe to the other.

clean your left arm with water three times up to the elbow with your left hand and the same for the other arm with your right hand.

next wet your hand so that it is little bit wet then move your hands from front to back on your head.

next wash your right feet up to the ankle with your right hand and your left feet with your right hand up to the ankle

now you can pray and read quran.

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15y ago

They have to wash themselves.Then they have to kiss the Qu'ran.

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10y ago

The Muslims have to perform proper Wadhu (ablution) before they touch Qur'a.

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8y ago

He should perform ablusion, Wadhu.

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Q: What do Muslims have to do before touching the Qur'an?
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There are several ways Muslims show their reverence for the Quran. Firstly, they ensure they have clean hands before touching it, and may even ensure they have done the cleansing ritual, wudu, that is generally done before prayer. If a Quran is to be transported, or if wudu cannot be completed, the Quran may be wrapped in a clean cloth so as to not be directly touched by an unclean person's hands. Also, a Muslim would never stack another book on top of a Quran, unless it were another Quran. shia: at least having wudu is necessary for touching and reading. but the main respect for the Quran is to practice according to the Quran and the orders of Allah. nowadays reciters or keepers in minds are a lot and they treat Quran very well in appearance but they are far from orders of the Quran in actions and reality.

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The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

How is the quran respected?

Wrapping it in a clean cloth or in a special cloth bag which is shaped in an envelope Keep it in the highest place in a room and put nothing on top of it. You have to be clean and perform wudu before touching the Quran. Girls and women cover their hair and heads with scarves Boys and men wear prayer hats Muslims are not allowed to put the Quran on the floor but they do tend to sit on the floor to read. Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or talk in the same room where it is being read. They should not turn their backs on the Quran and place any hangings of the quran in front of them

how do muslims show respect to the qur'an?

Muslims pay respect to Quran through the following aspects: · following Quran commands, as real God words, as what to do and what not to do. · reciting Quran frequently to be closer to God and to be rewarded and forgiven by God. · memorizing as much as possible of Quran · listening carefully and respectably to Quran when recited by others · studying Quran and studying Quran interpretations · not touching or reading in Quran while not on valid ablution · not reading in Quran, by women, while in their menstruation (period) · physical keeping of Quran holy book in a clean pure place above any other books and not to be covered with other books. in addition to dealing with the Quran holy books with care and respect.

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When do Muslims read the Qu'ran?

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The Muslims get their beliefs from the Qur'an and the Sunna.

What do a Muslim do before hear the Quran?

Muslims do ablution and recite with the name of Almighty Allah (if woman then she covers her head as well to respect) and listen to Quran recitation with out cross conversation.

How is honor shown to the Qu'ran?

They show respect by never putting stuff above the Quran. Muslims do not the touch Koran if their bodies and hands are not clean. they respect the book enough that they put it before all of the other books and read it with respect. They hold the book with both hands and read it while sitting. When someone happens to be reciting the Koran other Muslims stay silent and listen to what the other person is saying.