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In Islam there are five pillars of practicing Islam and six pillars of believe. Among the six pillars of believe two of them are believe in angles and believe in judgement. If someone does not believe in one of these 6 pillars he will automatically throw him/herself out of Islam, and they are not muslim anymore. 1. Angles are the "soldiers" of God The Almighty, they are existent everywhere, the do not sin against their God, the do everything precisely as they are ordered from God, they do not have sex (they aren't neither male or female), their number is enormous, they pray to God and obey to God.

Some of the angles are:

Israfeel - the Angle that will blow the trump when God orders to destroy the earth and the skies. Width of this trump is bigger than the whole existence.

Gebreel - The Angle that has brought the words of God to the mankind through the prohphets, and the biggest angle and the closest one to God.

Angles of accounting/scoring - numbers of these angles is two (2) for every person living in earth. One is for the good deeds and the other for bad deeds.

2. Judgment - It is the other pillar of believe in Islam. Every human being will be resurrected. Will be taken in account for every single deed that they did in this world. Will be taken in account why did they follow the prophets and why did not. After the judgement, it is understandable, that the people will be divided in groups that will go to Hellfire, and groups that will go to Paradise. The Judge will be Only One God - Allah the Almighty!

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Karen Luettgen

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Ryleigh Runolfsson

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2y ago

In Islam there are five pillars of practicing Islam and six pillars of believe. Among the six pillars of believe two of them are believe in angles and believe in judgement. If someone does not believe in one of these 6 pillars he will automatically throw him/herself out of Islam, and they are not muslim anymore. 1. Angles are the "soldiers" of God The Almighty, they are existent everywhere, the do not sin against their God, the do everything precisely as they are ordered from God, they do not have sex (they aren't neither male or female), their number is enormous, they pray to God and obey to God.

Some of the angles are:

Israfeel - the Angle that will blow the trump when God orders to destroy the earth and the skies. Width of this trump is bigger than the whole existence.

Gebreel - The Angle that has brought the words of God to the mankind through the prohphets, and the biggest angle and the closest one to God.

Angles of accounting/scoring - numbers of these angles is two (2) for every person living in earth. One is for the good deeds and the other for bad deeds.

2. Judgment - It is the other pillar of believe in Islam. Every human being will be resurrected. Will be taken in account for every single deed that they did in this world. Will be taken in account why did they follow the prophets and why did not. After the judgement, it is understandable, that the people will be divided in groups that will go to Hellfire, and groups that will go to Paradise. The Judge will be Only One God - Allah the Almighty!

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12y ago

In Islam there are five pillars of practicing Islam and six pillars of believe. Among the six pillars of believe two of them are believe in angles and believe in judgement. If someone does not believe in one of these 6 pillars he will automatically throw him/herself out of Islam, and they are not muslim anymore. 1. Angles are the "soldiers" of God The Almighty, they are existent everywhere, the do not sin against their God, the do everything precisely as they are ordered from God, they do not have sex (they aren't neither male or female), their number is enormous, they pray to God and obey to God.

Some of the angles are:

Israfeel - the Angle that will blow the trump when God orders to destroy the earth and the skies. Width of this trump is bigger than the whole existence.

Gebreel - The Angle that has brought the words of God to the mankind through the prohphets, and the biggest angle and the closest one to God.

Angles of accounting/scoring - numbers of these angles is two (2) for every person living in earth. One is for the good deeds and the other for bad deeds.

2. Judgment - It is the other pillar of believe in Islam. Every human being will be resurrected. Will be taken in account for every single deed that they did in this world. Will be taken in account why did they follow the prophets and why did not. After the judgement, it is understandable, that the people will be divided in groups that will go to Hellfire, and groups that will go to Paradise. The Judge will be Only One God - Allah the Almighty!

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Q: What do Muslims believe about angles and judgment?
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Why do Muslims believe about angels and judgment?

Muslims believe in angels because its one of the pillars of iman

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Why is it important for Muslims to believe in angles?

Muslims believe that geometry and math are real (just like everyone else). They believe in acute angles, right angles, and obtuse angles.If you meant to ask about angels, please see this Related Question:Why is it important for Muslims to believe in angels?

Do Muslim believe in angles?

Yes. Muslims believe that geometry and math are real (just like everyone else). They believe in acute angles, right angles, and obtuse angles. If you meant to ask about "angels" and it was just misspelled, Muslims also believe in them. It is one of the basic items of faith in Islam to believe in angels.

What do angels believe about angels and judgment?

Arabs are an ethnicity with many religions and individual beliefs. You can no more ask what Arabs believe about the supernatural than ask what Germans believe about the supernatural.As most Arabs are Muslims, it may be helpful to see: What do Muslims believe about angels and judgment?

What are Muslims supper to do to show they are a good Muslim?

To pray & worship god & believe in the angles & his holy ((( the quran )))

Do Muslims believe in Islam?

Yes. Actually the question is posed in a difficult fashion. Muslims believe that Islam is the religion that God wants people to follow. This entails that Muslims believe in God alone without partners and they believe that Muhammad is the final prophet of God. Everything that Muhammad brought is the final guidance to mankind until the day of judgment.

What do Muslims believe about angels and judgment day?

Muslims believe many of the same things about angels as Christians do, but there is a greater focus on Gabriel over Michael, since Gabriel facilitated the revelation of the Qur'an. In terms of Judgment Day, the general idea of Judgment Day and the Apocalypse are the same in Islam. Of course, the fundamental difference is that when God sits in judgment, the "correct" answer to what religion you belong to is Islam, not Christianity and Muhammad sits with God as He judges instead of Jesus.

Do Muslims believe that babies who die become angles?

No. It is not a literal saying. They believe that babies play with Ibrahim (A prophet of Islam) until their mothers die.

What are mulsum beliefs?

to be a Muslim one have to believe in ALLAH, HIS ANGLES, THE REVEALED BOOKS, HIS PROPHETS, On the Day of Judgment, and the Life hereafter.

What do Arabs believe about angels and judgment?

Arabs are an ethnicity with many religions and individual beliefs. You can no more ask what Arabs believe about the supernatural than ask what Germans believe about the supernatural.As most Arabs are Muslims, it may be helpful to see: What do Muslims believe about angels and judgment?

What do Muslims believe about 2012?

We don't believe in it at all . . god knows the time of judgment day and it wont be until the dejal (anitchrist) comes and isa (Jesus) returns . . so we don't believe in it at all . .