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This subject is not mentioned in Judaism or Jewish texts or sources, and as such we have no opinion on it.

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Q: What do Jews think about Antichrist?
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People think they are Jews of course dummy JEWS JEWS JEWS

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No, they are not an Antichrist band.

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No, the Antichrist is never specifically named. In the bible it does give you a description of what the Antichrist should look like and that is supposed to help you figure out who the Antichrist is.

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No, he does not fit the Biblical profile,and HE IS DEAD.

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Antichrist Superstar was created in 1995.

When was The Antichrist - book - created?

The Antichrist - book - was created in 1895.

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The duration of Antichrist - film - is 1.72 hours.

How can you join antichrist?

google "church of satan" and call them^^

Is linkinpark antichrist?

Linkin Park is a band. They are not the antichrist. We will know who the antichrist is in the end times of the world, when God tells us when we are supposed to know. =]