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The wrong actions they performed in the past.

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Q: What do Jew's give up on yom kippur?
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When is the biggest Jewish service?

The largest services fall in the High Holy Days. Rosh Hashanna, the New Year, usually falls sometime in late September-early October. The most attended service is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It falls ten days after Rosh Hashanna.

Why Jews celebrate yom kippur?

Yom Kippur is not really "celebrated" but it is perhaps the most important day of the Jewish calendar. On this day, Jews fast from sundown the evening before until nightfall (about 25 hours) and spend much of that time in congregational prayer. This fast includes abstinence from food, drink, bathing, sexual relations, wearing leather or elaborate jewelry, perfume or lotions. Yom Kippur means the Day of Atonement. This is because on this day all of a person's sins are atoned for, by confessing them to those who you have wronged and seeking forgiveness in the days leading up to the holiday, and then seeking forgiveness from God.

Can you have a bar mitzvah on yom kippur?

A Jewish male becomes a bar mitzvah on his 13th birthday, regardless of whether that day falls on a religious holiday. If the boy's 13th birthday falls on Yom Kippur, he can be one of the people called up to read from the Torah. What can't happen during Yom Kippur is the celebration that most North Americans associated with a boy becoming a bar mitzvah.

Why do Jews celebrate Yom Kippur?

Yom Kippur is not really "celebrated" but it is perhaps the most important day of the Jewish calendar. On this day, Jews fast from sundown the evening before until nightfall (about 25 hours) and spend much of that time in congregational prayer. This fast includes abstinence from food, drink, bathing, sexual relations, wearing leather or elaborate jewelry, perfume or lotions. Yom Kippur means the Day of Atonement. This is because on this day all of a person's sins are atoned for, by confessing them to those who you have wronged and seeking forgiveness in the days leading up to the holiday, and then seeking forgiveness from God.

When did the Yom Kippur war end?

Yom Kippur Yom Kippur is a Jewish Holy day where observant Jews fast from shortly before sundown on the eve of the holiday to about a half hour or so after the sun sets the following day. It's about a 25 hr fast. Sunset is location-dependent, so the time is determined by exactly where you are and what the exact date is. For Example Yom Kippur Sept 18th 2010: In Israel, sunset was around 5:30 PM, the fast ended between 6 and 6:30 PM.

Does Chlomo urge his son not to fast on Yom Kippur in Elie Wiesel's Night?

Yes, in Elie Wiesel's Night, Chlomo urges his son not to fast on Yom Kippur because he believes they need to keep up their strength in order to survive. Chlomo emphasizes the importance of self-preservation given their dire circumstances in the concentration camp.

What was the importance of yom kippur?

Actually, is's not - but it is nevertheless very, very important (it's definitely the second most important) as it's the day when observant Jews believe G-d takes a long, hard look at how they have behaved over the last year and what they have done during the ten days since Rosh Hashanah to put right any sins or wrongs committed. If a person has truly tried to make amends, they can consider themselves absolved with G-d. This is considered so important that there are many Jewish people who don't attend a synagogue on any other day but always make it for the Yom Kippur services. The most important is Shabbat, which of course falls weekly, as it commemorates G-d's creation of the Universe and provides an escape from everyday labours and time to spend with that most important concept among Jewish people, the family.

How long did the Yom Kippur war last?

Egypt and Israel have gone to war in the Arab-Israeli Wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, the War of Attrition, and 1973. If the months of fighting were summed up, it would be roughly 10 months of active conflict and 3 years for the War of Attrition. There was a de jure state of war between Egypt and Israel from 1948-1979: 31 years.

Rituals in judasim?

Well there is weekly Shabbat, which takes place Friday evening at sundown, up until Saturday sundown. Depending on how religious you are, people observe it differently. There are a myriad of holidays that take place during the year. The holiest day of the year for Jews is Yom Kippur which is a day of repentance where Jews fast for the entire day. Also when a boy or girl turns 13, they have a Bat Mitzvah, where they read from the Torah.

What are the simillarities of yom kippur lent and Ramadan?

The most obvious similarity is that all three involve fasting, abstaining from certain types of food or from eating at certain times. During Yom Kippur, Jews fast for 25 hours; during Lent Christians will not eat milk, eggs and other foods (which are used up to make pancakes the day before Lent begins) - some Christians abstain from all animal products during this period, while others fast for a portion of it and during Ramadan Muslims maintain a strict fast - during which nothing must pass the lips, effectively banning them from drinking and smoking too - between dawn and nightfall.Another similarity - the one I suspect the question refers to if it forms a part of your school homework - is that all three festivals focus on repentance, self-cleansing and absolving oneself in the eyes of G-d. Jews spend the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur putting right any sins they have committed in the previous year and taking steps to better themselves so that they will not commit those sins again, then spend Yom Kippur deep in prayer so that G-d will forgive them; Christians, through prayer, charity, penitance and self-denial, solmnly prepare themseves spirtiually for Easter when they remember the death and rebirth of Christ and Muslims use Ramadan as an opportunity to focus on enlightenment and spiritual cleansing, taking a step back from their everyday lives in order to strengthen the link between themselves and Allah.

Do Jews celebrate Lent?

I may not be Jewish, but suffice it to say, the answer is no. Lent is a Christian based event begun 40 days before Easter to represent the time Jesus spent in the desert, where he was tempted by Satan. The purpose behind Lent is based on Christian doctrine and as the Jewish faith does not recognize Jesus as being the true messiah, they would not celebrate's the same idea as to how they do not celebrate Christmas as that is a holiday centered around the birth of Jesus. The previous answer is correct. Jews do not celebrate lent, except in some multi-faith households.

What is done for repentance before Rosh Hashanah is celebrated?

Rosh Hashanah is a holiday for rejoicing. It's Yom Kippur where you ask God to forgive you for your sins.Answer:Selichot (prayers for God's forgiveness) are said in the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah.