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What do Muslims as in people think of Allah. They submit and worship to him. Islam as in the religion was created by Allah.

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Q: What do Islams think of Allah?
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What was the one god Islams believed in?

Islams believe in Allah They believe in the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians (called Allah). In Arabic versions of the Bible God is written also Allah.

What are the of Islams god names?

the Islamic god is Allah

Who do Islams worship?

Muslims believe there is only one god, ALLAH. Muslims worship ALLAH.

Do Islams worship elephants?

No,they only worship Allah(God).

Is akkah Islams god?

No, in Islam god is called Allah.

What do the Islams worship?

Muslims worship the One and Only God "Allah"

What are the islams core beliefs?

according to Islam: 1- there is no God but Allah 2- Muhammad (PBUH) is messenger of Allah.

Who do Islam workship?

Islams worship Allah s.w.t. In Islam, He is the creator of all.

What happened to all the Islams today?

they all pary to Allah and they don't worship idals

How many gods do Islams have and who are they?

They/we have one God who has 99 names but is normally called Allah.

Why do Islams go to a mosque?

To pray and worship Allah. Just like Christians goes to church.