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They call God Allah.


Muslims worship same God worshiped by Jews and Christians. God is called in Arabic as Allah.

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The Islamic god is called Allah.

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Q: What do Islam people believe about and call God?
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Believe in God in Islam?

Yes, muslim's(people who follow the religion of Islam) believe in God.

What are the followers of Islam call and what do they believe?

Followers of islam are called muslims and they believe that there is only one god.

Why do people worship Islam?

People worship in various faith for they believe in their faith, which is the same in Islam. People worship Islam because it is what they believe in. They believe in Islam as being the final revelation of God.

Do Islam people believe in mor than one god?

No - "There is no god but Allah."

Why did Islam had an angel?

Islam has an angel because it was sent from god and people don't believe that but i do

Why do people describe Mohammed as a founder of Islam?

No. It is not. Muslims believe that Allah (God in English) is the founder of Islam. All God prophets are messengers who convey God message (Islam) to their people. Refer to question below.

What religion do people believe in one god called Allah?


Do Islam people have a god?

Yes, in Islam, Muslims worship Allah (God). They believe he is the one and only and Mohammad PBUH is his final messenger.

What is the other name god has for Islam?

Allah. Though Muslims believe to call Him with any beautiful name.

What religions believe in God?

All religions believe in a god. However if you are speaking of the Christian God, then the answer is the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic people believe in God.

Who do Islam pray to?

Muslims, Islamic people. pray to Allah, whom they believe is god.

What did Islam call there god?

Muslims call their god, Allah (The Arabic name for God).