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Hindus believe in many thing.

The basics as in we should always speak the truth and when you do god is on your side of any battle. The scriptures for Hindus were written to help us learn in in and about life.

The Bhagvad Gita, for example introduces to us how we should help friends family, be there for people, the rules of karma, the gods are always watching, and they are all around us.

Some Hindus believe in many gods, some believe in 1 God, some believe in no gods. The only thing that all Hindus believe in is that they exist, the universe exists, and that karma (known to the west as the law of cause and effect) exists.

Respect to God. Humanity. Salvation.
Hindus believe in many thing.

The basics as in we should always speak the truth and when you do god is on your side of any battle. The scriptures for Hindus were written to help us learn in in and about life.

The Bhagvad Gita, for example introduces to us how we should help friends family, be there for people, the rules of karma, the gods are always watching, and they are all around us.

Some Hindus believe in many gods, some believe in 1 God, some believe in no gods. The only thing that all Hindus believe in is that they exist, the universe exists, and that karma (known to the west as the law of cause and effect) exists.

Respect to God. Humanity. Salvation.
Hinduism is a collection of beliefs from the Indian subcontinent and surrounding areas. Followers may have very similar or completely different beliefs, depending on where and how they were taught it.

Hindus have 29 gods called Annapurna, Ganesha, Maya, Balrama, Garuda, Ram, Bhuvaneshwari, Hanuman, Sarawati, Brahma, Indra, Shakti, Buddha, Kali, Shiva, Dhanwantari, Kartikay, Sita, Dhumavati, Krishna, Vamana, Durga, Kurma, Vishnu, Ganga, Laksmi and Matanqi.

Hindus believe in the existence of ONE God. They also believe in the different manifestations of the same God. Which would mean that they believe, the rain, the sun, the river etc are manifestations of the same God.

Hindus don't have a set of beliefs that are set in rock, the beliefs differ between the people. The common belief is in Karma (which in the west is called cause-and-effect).

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12y ago
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12y ago

Hinduism is a collection of beliefs from the Indian subcontinent and surrounding areas. Followers may have very similar or completely different beliefs, depending on where and how they were taught it.

Hindus have 29 gods called Annapurna, Ganesha, Maya, Balrama, Garuda, Ram, Bhuvaneshwari, Hanuman, Sarawati, Brahma, Indra, Shakti, Buddha, Kali, Shiva, Dhanwantari, Kartikay, Sita, Dhumavati, Krishna, Vamana, Durga, Kurma, Vishnu, Ganga, Laksmi and Matanqi.

Hindus believe in the existence of ONE God. They also believe in the different manifestations of the same God. Which would mean that they believe, the rain, the sun, the river etc are manifestations of the same God.

Hindus don't have a set of beliefs that are set in rock, the beliefs differ between the people. The common belief is in Karma (which in the west is called cause-and-effect).

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