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They study Jesus, The Holy Bible, Christianity, Mary, Joeseph, Peter, John, etc.

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Q: What do Christians study?
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Related questions

Who believed in the Old Testament?

Christians and Jews today believe and study the Old Testament. The Jews made it, but as Jesus was Jewish, Christians study it too.

Why do Christians study the Bible?

The bible was written by God.

Where do Christians study?

Christians study any were, some at schools and others at home or at a church office, there is no specific place a christan must or should as long as they do its all good.

What schooling do Muslims have?

Know we study in schools like your schools,but in the past we use to study in Mosque,like christians used to study in church.

Why do you keep a Bible at home?

YesMany Christians keep a Bible (or Bibles) at home for personal devotions and study.

How does Christians worldship?

Christian worship includes prayer, bible study, singing hymns and listening to sermons.

What book do Christian worship?

Christians do not worship any book, but the do read and study the Bible. They may give thanks for it, and feel blessed at have the opportunity to read it but that is all.

What role did monasteriers play in strengthing christianity?

Monasteries were areas that sheltered monks and allowed them to study Christianity in detail. The monks in turn promoted and preserved beliefs of Christians.

Why do Christians need to study Judaism?

There really isn't a need for Christians to study Judaism as Christianity was based on the rejection of Judaism. One of the only similarities between the two religions is that the Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanach (Jewish Bible), however, the Christian OT was altered to support the teachings of Christianity.

Why do some Muslims kill Christians or anyone whom opposes there views?

Muslims are Not terrorist. go Study Islam and see for yourself

Why did ancient Egyptian astronomers study the stars?

It was like religion. Why do Christians put so much on faith?

How many books are in the Lutheran Bible?

The Lutherans do not have a separate bible. They study and follow the bible that most Christians follow. There are 46 books in the Old and New Testament.