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Different people in Christendom believe different things. But that's not the point. Who cares what a particular group believes? - - We should be concerned about 'WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACHhappens at death?' Now we're talkin'.

Many people believe when they die, they don't really die at all. They believe that something inside us keeps living. They believe they will be 'TRANSFERRED' to a 'heaven world'. They believe that the 'non-believers' will be tormented eternally in a fiery hell.

But Jehovah's people believe what The Bible really teaches. Genesis 3:19 states: "For dust you are and to dust you will return."

Obviously, before we had life, we were dust. There was no evidence of us whatsoever. When we die, that's where any sign of us would return, from whence we came; we go back to the dust. That's what God's Word states.

Ezekiel 18:4 clearly states that 'the soul that sins, it itself shall die'. Therefore even 'souls' DIE. That's what the Bible really teaches.

The concept of an immortal soul comes from pagan peoples, not from the Bible. The religions that call themselves Christian have adopted this pagan teaching and pawned of off on its masses.

Scholars and Theologians are lately beginning to understand the truth also.


1) Robert Koch, Catholic professor of Old Testament in Rome, writes: "The soul does not exist as an independent mass in the body, as though in a prison, from which it would be liberated at death. The 'soul' is the man in his totality. Man does not have a soul, he is a soul."-Teologia della redenzione in Genesi 1-11 (1966), p. 69.

2) "The concept of 'soul,' meaning a purely spiritual, immaterial reality, separate from the 'body,' . . . does not exist in the Bible."-Georges Auzou, Professor of Sacred Scripture, Rouen Seminary, France.

3) As to the doctrine of purgatory, the New Catholic Encyclopedia frankly admits: "The Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not Sacred Scripture."-Vol. 11, p. 1034.

Unfortunately the religions themselves have not changed, but continue to teach this pagan doctrine of an 'immortal soul'; despite what their own scholars have researched and published.

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To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. If you are saved when you die you go to Heaven if you aren't then you go to Hell. There is not in between it is one or the other at the exact moment of death.

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