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Nearly all who call themselves Christian believe all things - seen and unseen - were created by God through His Word (see John 1:1-4). Many Christians believe death is akin to sleep and we will be awakened for Judgment by Christ. Some believe upon death, the person is immediately judged and either given eternal rewards in heaven or eternal damnation in hell.

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13y ago

A Christian's belief about creation depends entirely on the Christian.

Some believe Adam and Eve is literal history. Some believe humans evolved and that their evolution was somehow guided by God. Some believe humans evolved and then God "tweaked" us to make us self-aware, and the Adam and Eve story is a metaphor for this.

Some believe the earth is 6,000 years old and some believe it's 12,000 years old. Still others believe it is billions of years old.

Some believe that the 6 day creation can be interpreted as 6 ages or eras, and some other believe that creation took 6 literal days.

Lots of people believe lots of different things, which is nice.

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9y ago

Some Christians believe what they consider to be a literal reading of the first creation account, in Genesis 1-2.

Some Christians believe that the Genesis account is poetic/metaphorical and don't take it to be a literal description of the Earth's creation.

Christians are a widely varied group, so on this issue you'll get widely varying answers. But the two most common beliefs are stated above.


The Christian Creation Story is as follows:

God created the world in seven days;

On Monday, He created light, Earth, Sun and the Moon.

On Tuesday, He created the seas, rivers and lakes.

On Wednesday, He created the plants, trees and flowers.

On Thursday, He created the flying creatures and insects.

On Friday, He created the land creatures.

On Saturday, He created the humans and other commands.

On Sunday, He rested

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Fana Khumalo

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1y ago
this is rubbish you wrote nonsense

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14y ago

Most Christians accept modern theories about the formation of the Earth. A few Christian groups believe either in the six Day Creation or the Adam & Eve story. Some presumably believe in both (Those who interpret The Bible literally).


i'm sorry, but i disagree with you. most Christians do not accept the "Big Bang" theory (or the theory of evolution for that matter). its a matter of personal belief as much for Christians as it is for people of other faiths and/or people of no faith(s). and by the way, the "six day creation" and the "Adam and Eve story" are the same thing. duh.


Sorry I was talking about the formation of the Earth only. Not the Universe.
The majority of Christian groups do not interpret the Bible literally are therefore consider the creation stories to be allegorical. The Catholic Church largely accepts the scientific theories for the formation of the universe with the exception of putting God as the cause of the Big Bang and believing in Intelligent Design.
The Adam and Eve story is quite contradictory to the Six Day Creation. In the Six Day Creation God creates Man and Woman together on the sixth day, after the plants and animals. In the Adam and Eve story God creates Adam first. Adam's creation is followed by every thing else, plants and animals and the like. Only after that is Eve created.

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14y ago

In the Bible for Christians, it says that it took 7 days for God to create earth, with light, dark, water, land, animals, people, etc.

There are actually varying degrees of the above belief. Christians who are "creationists" certainly believe that it took 7 literal days for God to create the Earth. However, many other mainstream Christian denominations do not believe this, and are quite comfortable with the belief that each day could have been hundreds, thousands or even millions of years, given that, to God, one day is as a thousand years and vice versa. For others, they are not sure which way to believe, but it does not matter. Their faith is rooted in Christ Jesus alone, and it makes no difference to them how long the Earth took to be created. The fact is that God created the world, and that is all that matters.

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12y ago

Christians believe the Biblical story of Creation, as told in Genesis (the first book of the Bible). In this, it begins with how, in the beginning, the world was unformed and there was nothing but empty, dark space. God simply created everything, beginning with the Earth, and He then created light. He separated the light and the dark into night and day.

From this point, He created the sky, separating the waters of the earth from the waters of the atmosphere. He then made dry land, separating it from the waters. Plants were the first form of life He created, followed by the sun and moon, planets and other celestial bodies. The waters were then populated with swimming creatures; birds filled the skies; then the land animals were created. Finally, man was formed from the dust of the earth.

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12y ago

Usually people think very short-sighted about this thing we call 'LIFE'.

Regarding the ORIGIN of LIFE: Jehovah's Witnesses as Christians believe that LIFE 'has always been', because Jehovah God has always been. Jehovah God is ETERNAL in both directions, He has no beginning of life.

Then at some point in time, God decided to 'create'. The first thing He created was 'something like himself'. God is a spirit; and he created another spirit, just like himself, in his image, in his likeness. That would be the very first ANGEL. Perhaps this is the origin of life the questioner is thinking about. This happened long before there was anything 'physical'. Before the Universe was created, Angel-LIFE existed.

Of course, God creates HISTORY MARKERS; often by 'beginning' a creation. Thus the Bible briefly records another HISTORY MARKER. Genesis 1:1 says: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Of course this was really not the first things God ever created. The heavens and earth are not even considered -- 'LIFE'. Life existed before this 'beginning'. The word 'beginning', does not even apply to Jehovah God due to his Eternal nature.

Genesis 1:1 refers to the creation of NON-LIFE things. God invented 'physical' things. He created the stars, galaxies, planets; and God then also invented the 'FORCES' that keeps the Universe in synchronized motion (like gravity, magnetism, E=MC2, the speed of light, etc etc many other forces we don't even know about yet.)

God did not give 'LIFE' to these physical things; But he did give them LAWS. The 'forces' are its LAWS. They have no free choice; they orbit as they've been programmed.

Then, at another time in HISTORY, God decided to invent a completely different KIND of LIFE. He decided to create Physical 'beings' and infused them with 'LIFE. This had never been done before. No doubt, the angels were absorbed with interest, watching, and marveling.

The very first physical form of LIFE God created was 'PLANT-LIFE'. So this was the very first ORIGIN of PHYSICAL LIFE. But Plant-LIFE was limited. It could not see; could not walk, fly, or swim. It was a form of life without a heart, without a brain. But they could grow; and they could re-produce. Absolutely amazing when you think about this unique form-of-LIFE.

But they were not given 'free-choice'. They could not develop 'personality'. They were created like LIVING robots; bound by various laws.

Next, Jehovah decided to create another COMPLETELY Different KIND of LIFE. He created 'ANIMAL-LIFE'. Animal life was given eyes. They could move about, with either legs, wings, or feet. But they could not move as fast as Angel-LIFE.

Animal LIFE was given a heart; a brain; even personality.

While they had some sort of basic 'choice' ability; they really were programmed by laws, to perform as they do.

God also now invented 'sex'. Animals were created male and female, and could reproduce little baby animals. Absolutely incredible.

What a WISE and POWERFUL Creator Jehovah God is.

Next, Jehovah decided to create another COMPLETELY different KIND of LIFE. He said: "Let us make (this thing called) MAN(-KIND)." Perhaps this is the 'origin' of life the questioner is thinking about.

Jehovah created mankind as male and female. He have us the ability to move about. He gave us a heart; a brain; and the ability to develop our own personality. He gave us what's called 'free choice'. But God still gave us LAWS which must be followed. We are bound, for example, by the need to breathe. If we use our free choice to stop breathing, there will be consequences - - - our existence will end.

God also gave us the ability to re-produce, thru the use of 'sex'. But God also created Laws regarding the use of sex.

All God's Laws regarding LIFE and NON-LIFE, are GOOD. They are perfect laws.

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9y ago

Many Christians think about the creation of the world at two levels. At the spiritual level, they accept the biblical accounts of God creating the world some 6,000 years ago. At the same time they also accept that the world is really about 4.54 billion years old, and came into being long after the 'big bang' event that created the universe.

Other Christians believe that there is only one biblical account of creation and that that account is correct, both spiritually and literally. The world really was created in just 6 days, about 6,000 years ago.

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9y ago

In general, Christians believe that life comes from God. After that, there are many opinions among Christians.

Some believe in what they think is a literal interpretation of the Bible, which is that God created everything just as we see them now, all in just six days. Others interpret the Bible to say that God created everything just as we see them now, but that the six days were not literal days but very long periods of time. This last is an attempt to harmonise the Bible with what we now know from science. Few Christians recognise that there are two creation stories in the Book of Genesis, and that those stories are both different and contradictory.

Some Christians now accept the scientific explanation and therefore also accept that the biblical accounts can at best be regarded as allegories. They accept that life as we know it evolved from earlier forms, and that far back in time primitive life forms developed unaided in the primeval oceans.

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9y ago

A recent poll found over 30,000 different organizations/buildings calling themselves 'Christian' with each having shades of differences. With this large of a diverse group, it would be difficult to say what each thinks.

Additionally, soon after the start of the Church of God on Pentecost Sunday, 17 June 31 AD, outside the Upper Room in Jerusalem, distractors and usurpers brought pagan/philosophical ideas into 'The Way or Nazarene discipleship' and began to transform the teachings of Christ and the Apostles from within. By the time we get to about 300 years from the life and death of Christ, this 'Christianity' is barely recognizable as the Church with the true teachings of Christ.

However, for these 'disciples' then, the origin of life as we know it today, began with the renewal of the face of the Earth (see Psalm 104:30, etals) and the pinnacle creation of man and woman out of man (meaning of the term). This is confirmed by Jesus the Creator (see John 1:1-3) some 4,000 years later:

Matthew 19:4New King James Version (NKJV)4 And He answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who made[a] them at the beginning made them male and female,[b] Footnotes:

  1. Matthew 19:4 NU-Text reads created.
  2. Matthew 19:4 Genesis 1:27; 5:2
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