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Buddhists think that being sick is miserable. If you are ill with the flu or with sorrow or hatred, it's a result of your misunderstanding about the true nature of reality. Some Buddhists can provide you with intricate chains of causation which link one of your actions or illusions to the manifestation of illness. Other Buddhists would say that it doesn't matter what sort of causes and conditions led to your illness; it's not like you killed a gnat in your last life and this is why you now have a runny nose. The cure for all illness, physical, emotional and spiritual is always cultivating an understanding of the true nature of reality and absolute loving kindness for all sentient beings. Especially those with runny noses!

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12y ago

Buddhists believe that disease, in the sense of unhappiness and suffering, is the natural reult of being unenlightened and is caused by desire. This is explained in the Four Noble Truths. Diseases in the sense of attack by microorganisms, genetic problems, injury and cancers are simply part of the natural world and are neither good or bad and definitely not a "curse from the gods".

Disease can be treated (or not) by science and medicine not supplication to deities.

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